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Other information on this site about Arredondo, Elodia

Dimmit County Birth Index:

NameSexFatherMotherBirth DateDeceasedNote
Arredondo, Elodia FNicolas ArredondoNicolasa Reyes3/26/1935

Social Security Death Index:

NameIssuedBirthDeathLR ZIP
RODRIGUEZ, ELODIA ATX3/26/19355/21/200978834 


Rodriguez, Elodia26 Mar 1935, Asherton, TX21 May 2009, Carrizo Springs, TX23 May 2009, Guadalupe Cemetery, Carrizo Springs, TXNicolas Arredondo Nicolasa Reyes Leonardo P. Rodriguez 
Survived by: three daughters, Diana Dunbar of Carrizo Springs, Norma Alaniz of Carrizo Springs, and Inelda Rodriguez of Carrizo Springs; one son, Eugene Rodriguez of Carrizo Springs; two sisters, Dora Rocha of Houston, and Juanita Sifuentes of Houston; five brothers, Victor Arredondo of Houston, Alberto Arredondo of Houston, Alejandro Arredondo of Houston, Osvaldo Arredondo of San Antonio, and Erasmo Arredondo of Sugarland; 15 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren, and numerous other relatives.


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