La Salle Co

Fowlerton Cemetery
Fowlerton, La Salle County, Texas

The Fowlerton Cemetery is in eastern La Salle County. Exit I-35 south at Cotulla. Go East on Texas Hwy 97 about 30 miles to Fowlerton, Texas. 2 blocks past the Post Office turn South or right. This is Lansford Lane (No Signs) go 1.9 miles, you will pass water works and around curve to Cameron Lane. Turn Right on Cameron and go 1.2 miles to West Old Fowlerton Road. Turn Left. There is a Cemetery sign at this intersiction. Go .2 miles and Cemetary is on left.

This survey was conducted in August 1999 by Bert L. Bell.

Cemetery Listing
Name Born Died Note Comment Links
Anderson, Curtis E. 1884 1954 Sgt. Batt.A 17th Field Artillery W.W.1

Auldridge, Infant 8-11-1967
Dau.of Bob & Sallie Auldridge

Barnet, Albert William 3-19-1900 1-7-1978

Bell, Calvin 6-21-1928 6-18-1986 Pvt. U.S. Army W.W.2 with Marie Bell Cramer 1606
Brady, Arleene Bridgers 8-26-1934 1-4-1996

Buck, J.W. 1858 1942

Bullock, Robert H. 9-25-1870 3-9-1935

Castro, Harvey 12-03-1931 08-31-2003

Cramer, Marie Bell 2-25-1929 1-13-1997
with Calvin Bell
Custep, Mrs. Annie 1-28-1889 10-2-1952

Davis, George H. 1850 1934

Davis, Lenoa 10-29-1889 11-14-1951
with Tom Davis
Davis, Tom 1-4-1877 9-26-1957
with Lenoa Davis
Dean, Anna Kathrine 7-11-1939 ???
with Charles Robert Dean
Dean, Baby Girl 6-8-1998 6-8-1998

Dean, Charles Robert 4-1-1939 ???
with Anna Kathrine Dean
Downing, Harold 1910 1983
with Helen Downing 467
Downing, Helen 1908 -
with Harold Downing
Epler, Eddie W. 5-1-1931 2-7-1985

Fikart, John George 1866 1942

Franklin, Baby 10-13-1927

Franklin, Carl R. 3-13-1891 3-30-1965

Franklin, Cora Edna 9-11-1913 11-25-1919

Franklin, Edith Elnora 8-7-1922 - Nonie with Francis Edward Franklin
Franklin, Francis Allen 9-12-1872 3-8-1941
with Katherine M. Franklin
Franklin, Francis Edward 11-27-1919 9-18-1980 Frank with Edith Elnora Franklin 493
Franklin, Katherine M. 4-6-1879 2-18-1937
with Francis Allen Franklin
Franklin, Kelley Parnell 4-14-1886 3-17-1925

Franklin, Leo Jerome (Mike) 9-8-1891 2-26-1964

Franklin, Robert L. Jr. 1-30-1967 1-31-1967

Franklin, Robert S. 01-25-1922 07-16-2001

Franklin, Ruby Lee (Susie) 11-3-1906 6-20-1977

Franklin, Walker 9-1938 2-1939

Graham, Margaret Huddleston 12-9-1944 4-26-1994

Graves, James Robert 3-18-1911 11-15-1912

Graves, John Henry 4-28-1873 12-8-1942 Father with Ocie Agnes Graves
Graves, John Limon 10-18-1907 1-6-1973

Graves, Ocie Agnes 10-20-1870 12-16-1947 Mother with John Henry Graves
Graves, Thomas Lindon 10-18-1907 1-9-1993

Hartman, Maxmillion ? 5-29-1925

Henry, Allye 10-13-1898 1-8-1988

Henry, Harriet A, (Hettie) 11-30-1873 3-26-1944 Mother with John Jacob Henry
Henry, Iva 4-19-1904 5-14-1990

Henry, John Jacob 6-28-1861 1-19-1951 Dad with Harriet A. (Hettie) Henry
Herman, Frances Emil 8-4-1926 4-19-1953 Texas S 1 U.S.N.R. W.W.2

Herman, Infant 12-28-1966
Dau. Of Wanda & Ward Herman, lll

Herman, Nellie Jean 1924 1987
with Otis Ward (Sonny) Herman, Jr. 1435
Herman, Otis Ward (Sonny) Jr. 10-12-1924 1-19-1995
with Nellie Jean Herman 905
Herman, Otis Ward Sr. 5-8-1894 2-8-1984 Wagr. U.S.Army W.W.l
Herman, Sallie K. 4-3-1894 9-16-1981

Herrmann, Alta Lee 1874 1914

Herrmann, E.A. 1858 1932

House, Mattie L. 12-5-1877 3-4-1940
with Samuel Walter House
House, Samuel Walter 8-17-1871 7-6-1939
with Mattie L. House
Huddleston, James A. 2-24-1947 11-7-1998
with Peggy J. Huddleston 1198
Huddleston, Leslie Darwin 9-2-1942 2-3-1995 A.I.C. U.S. Air Force Vietnam

Huddleston, Peggy J. 3-31-1948 9-3-1998
with Leslie Darwin Huddleston 1199
Kuykendall, J.A. 9-4-1907 3-7-1976
with Ordany Kuykendall 1726
Kuykendall, J.H. 1897 1969

Kuykendall, John Ira 1867 1932

Kuykendall, Linn 1892 1962

Kuykendall, Lucile 4-25-1912 -
with Russell Kuykendall
Kuykendall, Ordamy 3-24-1912 7-19-1974
with J.A. Kuykendall
Kuykendall, Ottie P. 1887 1969

Kuykendall, Russell 10-14-1895 12-6-1970
with Lucile Kuykendall 627
Locklar, Eugenie E. 2-23-1924 10-13-1982

Marley, Albert Cecil 2-28-1925 12-30-1990 T.S.G.T. U.S. Air Force

Marley, America G. (Meca) 11-5-1925 ???
with Louis C. Marley 2067
Marley, Jesse Winston Sr. 12-28-1933 11-16-1972

Marley, Louis C. 5-29-1920 6-23-1986
with America G. (Meca) Marley 1251
Marley, Margaret E. 1894 1981
with William Henry Marley 653
Marley, William Henry 1890 1964
with Margaret E. Marley 652
Marshall, C.H. 4-21-1883 1-25-1944
with V.C. Marshall
Marshall, Henry C. 11-26-1900 4-25-1970

Marshall, S.L. 2-14-1887 1-23-1988

Marshall, V.C. 8-2-1863 12-16-1941
with C.H. Marshall
McMains, Andy P. 3-13-1865 11-11-1942

McMains, Joe A. 1886 1942

McMains, Mary E. 1846 1932

Morgan, Charles Ralph 10-6-1932 3-17-1992 S.P. 2 U.S.Army

Morgan, Ralph 1864 1938 Father

Mulholland, Alice 1857 1925
with W.P. Mulholland
Mulholland, Cecil E. 8-31-1896 12-26-1936

Mulholland, W.P. 1851 1916
with Alice Mulholland
Mulholland, William E. 8-1-1887 5-8-1936

Neal, Alonzo F. 8-11-1892 11-15-1964 Married 1914 with Mattie Ree (Graves) Neal 26
Neal, Mattie Ree (Graves) 9-12-1897 5-26-1964
with Alonzo F. Neal
Perkins, Nat D. 1891 1959

Proctor, Carroll J. 9-8-1900 4-6-1961

Proctor, Ever Lena 2-7-1880 7-5-1940 Mother with Frank Thomas Proctor
Proctor, Frank Thomas 10-23-1875 9-21-1948 Dad with Ever Lena Proctor
Santos, Francisca R. 10-10-1909 08-25-2004

Seibert, Amy M. 1900 1969 Sister

Seibert, John George 1895 1955

Seibert, Katherine 1863 1938 Mother with Louis Seibert
Seibert, Louis 1864 1936 Father with Katherine Seibert
Seibert, Tony 1897 1969 Brother

Shoop, Dr. C.D. 1-8-1848 2-12-1920

Sights, Eugene 7-27-1873 9-6-1943
with Olga Bell Sights
Sights, James Yergan 2-18-1900 10-10-1918

Sights, Olga Bell 3-18-1876 8-10-1922
with Eugene Sights
Sights, Pauline 1910 1912 Daughter

Slado, Julia 10-5-1888 7-26-1914 Dau. Of J.F.& Rebecca White

Tedford, Ida E. 2-9-1910 -
with Robert M. Tedford
Tedford, Robert M. 8-11-1908 6-16-1979
with Ida E. Tedford 830
Tucker, William J. 10-5-1861 2-27-1919

Upton, Robert G. 3-6-1922 10-3-1994 Pvt. U.S.Army W.W.2
Vivion, LaFayette 3-31-1847 12-17-1922

Williams, Emma Epler 7-8-1927 2-19-1975 Mother

Williams, Murray Edward 3-15-1945 8-21-1950



The information in the Fowlerton Cemetery Listing may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or used for profit in any manner without permission of the Author. H4

Last updated 8/29/1999.



Mail to Tom Graham:

Copyright 2025 by Historic District.