La Salle Co

Index of the 1900 Census of La Salle County

This file contains 2303 names extracted from a copy of the 1900 La Salle County Census microfilm. The index includes the name of each person listed (see Note below) and the microfilm frame number of their listing. Click on the frame number to see the detail of that census page.

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Census Index Listing
Person Frame
1 - Adami, Antonia 302
2 - Adami, Daniel 288
3 - Adami, Henry 288
4 - Adami, Henry 288
5 - Adami, Jacobo 288
6 - Adami, Jacobo 288
7 - Adami, Jose 288
8 - Adami, Lily 288
9 - Adami, Locario 302
10 - Adami, Melaria 288
11 - Adami, Monclovio 302
12 - Adami, Pablita 288
13 - Adami, Ruperto 302
14 - Adami, Tomas 302
15 - Adami, Valenta 302
16 - Adami, Valenta 302
17 - Aguilar, Adolpho 286
18 - Aguilar, Anastacio 301
19 - Aguilar, Celadonia 301
20 - Aguilar, Gertrudes 301
21 - Aguilar, Margarito 301
22 - Aguire, Gonzones 307
23 - Aguliar, Refugia 301
24 - Alderman, Branadie 297
25 - Alderman, Clyde 297
26 - Alderman, Ella 297
27 - Alderman, Exene 297
28 - Alderman, Hettie 297
29 - Alderman, Thomas 297
30 - Alemana, Dominga 291
31 - Alemana, Maria 291
32 - Alemana, Mariana 291
33 - Alivazo, Margarito 298
34 - Alivazo, Susana 298
35 - Almendarez, Carlos 300
36 - Almendarez, Eugenio 300
37 - Almendarez, Francisco 300
38 - Almendarez, Hermescaldo 300
39 - Almendarez, Ignacia 300
40 - Almendarez, Juana 300
41 - Almendarez, Juansaga 300
42 - Almendarez, Muria 300
43 - Almendarez, Refugia 300
44 - Almendarez, Victoriano 300
45 - Alvarez, Augustina 288
46 - Alvarez, Dolores 303
47 - Alvarez, Fermin 288
48 - Alvarez, Francisca 288
49 - Alvarez, Guadalupe 288
50 - Alvarez, Juliana 303
51 - Alvarez, Margarita 303
52 - Alvarez, Pedro 303
53 - Alvarez, Teresita 303
54 - Anchonda, Felipe 291
55 - Angueino, Caterino 305
56 - Archer, Florence S. 289
57 - Aria, Raphael 291
58 - Arita, Hinaveva 289
59 - Arita, Hosiangel 289
60 - Armstrong, Andrew 295
61 - Armstrong, Anna 295
62 - Armstrong, Otto Y. 295
63 - Artiada, Epitacia 289
64 - Artiada, Jesus 289
65 - Astran, Incarnacion 293
66 - Asuna, Dominga 302
67 - Augilar, Melchindez 284

Note: This Census index was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multiple errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcription. Census films are sometimes difficult or impossible to read, so some names are omitted. Other names were clearly misspelled on the Census form, but are entered here as read by the transcriber. Despite these cautions, the information in the Census can be quite helpful.

Send Comments, Questions, or Information you wish to share to Tom Graham

This listing was prepared by Tom Graham on April 7, 2001  This information may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission of the author. H4


This page was last updated on 4/7/2001
Copyright ? 2015 by Tom Graham, all rights reserved.

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