La Salle Co

Index of the 1900 Census of La Salle County

This file contains 2303 names extracted from a copy of the 1900 La Salle County Census microfilm. The index includes the name of each person listed (see Note below) and the microfilm frame number of their listing. Click on the frame number to see the detail of that census page.

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Census Index Listing
Person Frame
1 - Bain, Moses H. 297
2 - Barga, Benito 290
3 - Barga, Bernardino 290
4 - Barga, Louisa 290
5 - Barga, Maria 290
6 - Bargg, Charles 293
7 - Basques, Cruz 299
8 - Basques, Diassondo 299
9 - Basques, Dimences 299
10 - Basques, Helena 299
11 - Basques, Incarnasion 299
12 - Basques, Juanita 299
13 - Basques, Juanita 299
14 - Basques, Manuela 299
15 - Basques, Ninfa 299
16 - Bass, Samuel 306
17 - Basur, Hipolito 308
18 - Basur, Phidela 308
19 - Baylor, John W. 306
20 - Baylor, Mary K. 306
21 - Baylor, Willie 306
22 - Bazin, Guitiera 288
23 - Bazin, Jose Maria 288
24 - Beazley, Leala May 284
25 - Beazley, Lula 284
26 - Beazley, Sarah Ella 284
27 - Beazley, Vivian Marie 284
28 - Beazley, William 284
29 - Beckward, Lily M. 286
30 - Beckwith, Henry 295
31 - Beckwith, Lily 295
32 - Belasquez, Elario 302
33 - Belasquez, Eloisa 302
34 - Belasquez, Heralda 302
35 - Bennet, John P. 307
36 - Berry, Dudley M. 302
37 - Berry, George 302
38 - Berry, Moore 302
39 - Berry, Rebecca S. 302
40 - Binkley, Charles 307
41 - Binkley, Fredric 307
42 - Binkley, Laura 307
43 - Binkley, Mary 307
44 - Borce, William 309
45 - Borce, William H. 309
46 - Boutwell, Eliza 286
47 - Bowen, Katarina E. 284
48 - Bowen, Louise B. 284
49 - Bowen, Lula 284
50 - Boyd, Alva N 287
51 - Boyd, Frank 287
52 - Boyd, Frank 287
53 - Boyd, James R 287
54 - Boyd, Jefferson E 287
55 - Boyd, Maggie A 287
56 - Boyd, Martha 287
57 - Boyd, Olivia D. 287
58 - Boyd, Rosa C 287
59 - Boyd, Wallace O 287
60 - Bragg, Jesse 293
61 - Brapfield, George 295
62 - Breeding, Annie Laura 301
63 - Breeding, Bessie L. 301
64 - Breeding, Edward 304
65 - Breeding, Frank E. 304
66 - Breeding, George C. 304
67 - Breeding, James 301
68 - Breeding, James H. 301
69 - Breeding, Johnie B. 301
70 - Breeding, Laura A. 301
71 - Breeding, May E. 304
72 - Breeding, Roceia E. 304
73 - Breeding, Shirley E. 304
74 - Breeding, Willie P. 304
75 - Brooks, Cllifton C. 304
76 - Brooks, Sallie 304
77 - Brown, Bannuer 308
78 - Brown, Charles 308
79 - Brown, Maggie 308
80 - Brown, Maurine 308
81 - Brown, Milton 308
82 - Brown, Sidney 294
83 - Brown, Viola 308
84 - Bruno, Alexandro 299
85 - Bruno, Ernulfo 299
86 - Bruno, Euphemia 299
87 - Bruno, Miguel 299
88 - Bruno, Prudencia 299
89 - Bruno, Trajires 299
90 - Buckley, Neilie 301
91 - Buckow, Carl 297
92 - Buckow, George 297
93 - Buckow, Nannie 297
94 - Buckow, Thomas 297
95 - Buckow, William 297
96 - Burks, Amanda 306
97 - Burris, Benjamin 295
98 - Burris, Earl H. 295
99 - Burris, Jane E. 295
100 - Burris, John J. 295
101 - Burris, Lemuel F. 295
102 - Burris, Susan E. 295
103 - Burris, William G. 295
104 - Burwell Mary L 285
105 - Burwell, Ada 284
106 - Burwell, Beatrice 285
107 - Burwell, Charles 284
108 - Burwell, Charles B. 285
109 - Burwell, Florence A. 289
110 - Burwell, Francis K. 285
111 - Burwell, Harriett 285
112 - Burwell, Lucy I. 284
113 - Burwell, William 289
114 - Burwell, William M. 285
115 - Bustamante, Jose 300
116 - Bustamante, Juan 300
117 - Bustamante, Maria 300
118 - Bustamante, Nestor 299
119 - Bustamante, Prudencia 299
120 - Butler, Aram 287
121 - Butler, Nancy 287
122 - Butler, Stella L. 287
123 - Butler, William P. 287
124 - Cabello, Fortunato 301
125 - Cabello, Librada 301
126 - Cabello, Manuelita 301
127 - Calop, Rayford 287
128 - Campbell, Carrie B. 292
129 - Campbell, Eli L. 286
130 - Campbell, Etta R. 292
131 - Campbell, Eva 286
132 - Campbell, Floy 286
133 - Campbell, Laura 286
134 - Campbell, Orra. E. 292
135 - Campbell, Roy 286
136 - Campbell, Walter 289
137 - Campbell, William 286
138 - Campbell, William 292
139 - Cantu, Augustina 305
140 - Cantu, Cedro 305
141 - Cantu, Eutemio 288
142 - Cantu, Salvador 305
143 - Cantu, Santos 305
144 - Caralles, Navor 293
145 - Cardenas, Celodia 295
146 - Cardenas, Lorenza 295
147 - Cardenas, Pedro 295
148 - Cardenas, Quitano 295
149 - Cardenas, Teresita 295
150 - Carr, Atasca 291
151 - Carr, Daisy 291
152 - Carr, Daniel 301
153 - Carr, Dora 301
154 - Carr, James 291
155 - Carr, James 301
156 - Carr, Lamia 291
157 - Carr, Leila 301
158 - Carr, Minerva 301
159 - Carr, Orville 291
160 - Carr, Robert 301
161 - Carr, Robert A. 301
162 - Carreon, Blas 290
163 - Carreon, Immatero 290
164 - Carrol, Doctor J. 291
165 - Carrol, Hollie 291
166 - Carrol, James 291
167 - Carrol, Jesse 291
168 - Carrol, John W. 291
169 - Carrol, Minnie D. 291
170 - Carrol, Nettie 291
171 - Carrol, Obediah 291
172 - Carrol, Rufus L. 291
173 - Carrol, Walter J. 292
174 - Carrol, Wylie G. 291
175 - Casare, Refugia 298
176 - Casare, Thomas 298
177 - Casey, William 294
178 - Castillo, Alejas 301
179 - Castillo, Crispin 301
180 - Castillo, Guadalupe 301
181 - Castillo, Guillerma 301
182 - Castillo, Josepha 301
183 - Castillo, Lorenza 296
184 - Castillo, Manuel 296
185 - Castillo, Manuela 301
186 - Castillo, Pablina 296
187 - Castillo, Philipe 301
188 - Castillo, Pollinario 296
189 - Castillo, Tomasa 296
190 - Castro, Pedro 299
191 - Castro, Petra 299
192 - Caucarae, Jesusa 309
193 - Caucerae, Antonio 309
194 - Caucerae, Cemona 309
195 - Caucerae, Miguel 309
196 - Caucerae, Philipe 309
197 - Caucerae, Pola 309
198 - Celbas, Chucinsa 309
199 - Celbas, Guillermio 309
200 - Charro, Caridio 306
201 - Charro, Juan 306
202 - Charro, Merced 306
203 - Charro, Petra 306
204 - Charro, Raphaleta 306
205 - Charro, Vitoriano 306
206 - Chavano, Mercia 301
207 - Chavano, Tomas 301
208 - Christmas, Henry 287
209 - Chuleto, Antonio 291
210 - Chuleto, Josepha 291
211 - Cipriano, Antonia 303
212 - Cipriano, Ramon 303
213 - Clark, Alexander 285
214 - Clark, Barnet 285
215 - Clark, Daniel 285
216 - Clark, Della 285
217 - Clark, Jefsie 285
218 - Clark, Maggie 285
219 - Clark, Mary 285
220 - Clark, Melvina 285
221 - Clark, Oscar 285
222 - Clark, Robert 285
223 - Clark, Samuel 285
224 - Clark, Thomas 285
225 - Clark, William 285
226 - Claunch, Benjamin 289
227 - Claunch, Love 289
228 - Claunch, Nannie 289
229 - Claunch, Roy 289
230 - Clery, Earnest 295
231 - Clery, Ethel 295
232 - Clery, Frona 295
233 - Clery, Leland 295
234 - Cobb, Dent 301
235 - Cobb, Iola May 301
236 - Cobb, Sarah 301
237 - Cobb, Tim 301
238 - Cobb, Willie S. 301
239 - Cobb, Winfield 301
240 - Coleman, Alma 287
241 - Coleman, Dolridge 287
242 - Coleman, Ernest 287
243 - Coleman, James B 287
244 - Coleman, Mariam 287
245 - Conlan, Bridget 306
246 - Conlan, John 306
247 - Conlan, Tim 306
248 - Conlan, Tim 306
249 - Connell, Michael 289
250 - Conway, Pleasant 290
251 - Cooner, Jospehine 307
252 - Cooner, Laura 307
253 - Cooner, Mary 307
254 - Cooner, Samuel 307
255 - Cooner, Wilber 307
256 - Copp, Alice L. 286
257 - Copp, Emma R. 286
258 - Copp, George 286
259 - Copp, George 286
260 - Copp, Jessie 286
261 - Copp, Jessie A 286
262 - Copp, Willie S. 286
263 - Corneill, John E. 307
264 - Coronada, Anastacio 290
265 - Coronada, Caterina 290
266 - Coronada, Coronada 290
267 - Coronada, Felicita 290
268 - Coronada, Jesus 290
269 - Coronada, Paubla 290
270 - Coronada, Tomas 290
271 - Cortez, Appollonia 302
272 - Cortez, Dolores 302
273 - Cortez, Dortheo 302
274 - Cortez, Eusebio 302
275 - Cortez, Jacobo 302
276 - Cortez, Jesus 302
277 - Cortez, Juan 302
278 - Cortez, Petra 302
279 - Cortez, Refugia 302
280 - Cotulla, Caroline 284
281 - Cotulla, Edward 284
282 - Cotulla, Emma 284
283 - Cotulla, Helen E. 284
284 - Cotulla, John 284
285 - Cotulla, Joseph 284
286 - Cotulla, Joseph 284
287 - Cotulla, Louisa 284
288 - Cotulla, Mary 284
289 - Cotulla, Mary 284
290 - Cotulla, Reuben E. 284
291 - Cotulla, Shelby 284
292 - Cotulla, Simon 284
293 - Cotulla, William 284
294 - Cruz, Romaldo 297
295 - Cruz, Torivia 300
296 - Dahlem, John 301
297 - Dahlem, Vicenta 301
298 - Daniels, Elizabeth 294
299 - Daniels, Frankie A. E. 294
300 - Daniels, Hinton 294
301 - Daniels, Ina E. 294
302 - Daniels, Jasper 294
303 - Daniels, Jerome S. W. 294
304 - Daniels, Julian 294
305 - Daniels, Lee W. 294
306 - Daniels, Madie 294
307 - Daniels, Manly 294
308 - Davenport, Clifton 293
309 - Davenport, Elizabeth 293
310 - Davenport, Erma 293
311 - Davenport, James 293
312 - Davenport, May 293
313 - Davenport. Georgia 293
314 - Davis, Alberta 287
315 - Davis, Arinda 286
316 - Davis, Celia 287
317 - Davis, Felix M 287
318 - Davis, Gussie 287
319 - Davis, Henderson 287
320 - Davis, John 286
321 - Davis, May 287
322 - Davis, Sadie 287
323 - De Leon, Ambrosio 292
324 - De Leon, Benito 292
325 - De Leon, Eduarda 292
326 - De Leon, Felipe 292
327 - De Leon, Genaro 292
328 - De Leon, Jose 292
329 - De Leon, Josephita 292
330 - De Leon, Juan 292
331 - De Leon, Locario 292
332 - De Leon, Maria 292
333 - De Leon, Martiliano 292
334 - De Leon, Nieves 292
335 - De Leon, Pablita 292
336 - De Leon, Petrita 292
337 - De Leon, Profidio 292
338 - De Leon, Profidio 286
339 - De Luna, Florenzio 303
340 - De Luna, Francisca 303
341 - De Luna, Jose 303
342 - De Luna, Manuel 303
343 - De Luna, Victorita 303
344 - Deledesma, Felicita 292
345 - Deledesma, Genobia 292
346 - Deledesma, Lena 292
347 - Deledesma, Leonor 292
348 - Deledesma, Polinario 292
349 - Deledesma, Prudencia 292
350 - Delgado, Crispen 299
351 - Delgado, Juana 299
352 - Delgado, Juliana 299
353 - Delgado, Maria 299
354 - Delgado, Melchiades 299
355 - Delgado, Perfecto 299
356 - Delgado, Torivio 299
357 - Despain, Edward 298
358 - Despain, Hedley 298
359 - Despain, John 298
360 - Despain, Marshall 298
361 - Despain, Mary 297
362 - Despain, Maud 297
363 - Despain, Simpson 298
364 - Despain, Simpson 297
365 - Despain, William 298
366 - Dickens, Aaron 286
367 - Dickens, Amanda 286
368 - Dickens, Amanda L. 286
369 - Dickens, William 286
370 - Dillard, Annie J. 297
371 - Dillard, Christopher E. 297
372 - Dillard, Helen 297
373 - Dillard, John 297
374 - Dillard, John F. 297
375 - Dillard, Kate E. 297
376 - Dillard, Lilian 297
377 - Dillard, Martha A. 297
378 - Dillard, Mary Ann 297
379 - Dillard, Mary Jane 297
380 - Dillard, Tom 297
381 - Dillard, William B. 297
382 - Dios, Augustin 290
383 - Dios, Ceddra 290
384 - Dios, Dolores 290
385 - Dios, Francisca 290
386 - Dios, Jose 290
387 - Dios, Mikela 290
388 - Dios, Natalla 290
389 - Dios, Oba 290
390 - Donnell, James 308
391 - Dowe, Fanny J 285
392 - Dowe, Leslie H. 285
393 - Dowe, Lucie A 285
394 - Dowe, Mildred J 285
395 - Dowe, Myrtle 285
396 - Dowe, Samuel 285
397 - Dowe, Samuel T. 285
398 - Dunham, Mortimer 286
399 - Dunham, Sue M. 286
400 - Duran, Incarnacion 301
401 - Duran, Otila 301
402 - Duran, Susana 301
403 - Dye, A. 308

Note: This Census index was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multiple errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcription. Census films are sometimes difficult or impossible to read, so some names are omitted. Other names were clearly misspelled on the Census form, but are entered here as read by the transcriber. Despite these cautions, the information in the Census can be quite helpful.

Send Comments, Questions, or Information you wish to share to Tom Graham

This listing was prepared by Tom Graham on April 7, 2001  This information may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission of the author. H4


This page was last updated on 4/7/2001
Copyright ? 2015 by Tom Graham, all rights reserved.

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