La Salle Co

Index of the 1900 Census of La Salle County

This file contains 2303 names extracted from a copy of the 1900 La Salle County Census microfilm. The index includes the name of each person listed (see Note below) and the microfilm frame number of their listing. Click on the frame number to see the detail of that census page.

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Census Index Listing
Person Frame
1 - Irvin, Annie C. 307
2 - Irvin, Edna 307
3 - Irvin, Edwina 307
4 - Irvin, Eugene M. 307
5 - Irvin, Hellen 307
6 - Irvin, Jourd 307
7 - Irvin, Mary G. 307
8 - Irvin, Thomasina D. 307
9 - Irvin, William C. 307
10 - Iuroza, Feliz 288
11 - Jacobs, Alice 308
12 - Jacobs, Lonnie 308
13 - Jacobs, Lucy 308
14 - Jacobs, Myrtle 308
15 - Jacobs, Vida 308
16 - Jacobs, Wm. 308
17 - Jay, Alonzo 295
18 - Jay, Cicero 284
19 - Jay, Danie 284
20 - Jay, Franklin 295
21 - Jay, Geoerge 284
22 - Jay, George 284
23 - Jay, Henry 284
24 - Jay, Ira B. 295
25 - Jay, Jack 284
26 - Jay, Jou J. 295
27 - Jay, Lonie 284
28 - Jay, Myrtle 295
29 - Jay, Otto 284
30 - Jay, Verlinda J. 284
31 - Jay, William 295
32 - Jay, William L. 295
33 - Jennings, Elizabeth A. 289
34 - Jennings, Ira 289
35 - Jennings, Nellie J. 289
36 - Jennings, Rob Roy 289
37 - Jennings, Thomas C. 289
38 - Jimenis, Ambacio 308
39 - Jimenis, Aoyindo 308
40 - Jimenis, Elijo 308
41 - Jimenis, Inacio 308
42 - Jimenis, Mauricia 308
43 - Jimenis, Maurico 308
44 - Jimenis, Modesta 308
45 - Jimenis, Rodrigo 308
46 - Jimenis, Segundo 308
47 - Jimenis, Trinida 308
48 - Jimes, Pablo 300
49 - Jimines, Francisco 306
50 - Jimines, Jesus 309
51 - Jimines, Juanita 306
52 - Jimines, Lola 309
53 - Jimines, Manuel 306
54 - Jimines, Selzo 306
55 - Jines, Alejos 295
56 - Jines, Andres 295
57 - Jines, Catherina 295
58 - Jines, Eugenio 295
59 - Jines, Librada 295
60 - Jines, Mary 295
61 - Jines, Pedro 295
62 - Johns, Jeff 285
63 - Johns, Katerine Josephine 285
64 - Johns, Samuel 285
65 - Johns, Thomas 307
66 - Johns, William 285
67 - Johns, Willie Lee 285
68 - Johnson, Antonio 304
69 - Johnson, Belle 286
70 - Johnston, Clara 294
71 - Johnston, Ellen 294
72 - Johnston, Lucille 294
73 - Johnston, William 294
74 - Jones, Amanda 308
75 - Jones, Comp 308
76 - Jones, Horace B. 308
77 - Jones, James 308
78 - Jones, Jennie 307
79 - Jones, Katie 308
80 - Jones, Myrtle 308
81 - Jones, Pearley 308
82 - Jones, Russ 308
83 - Jonston, Alvin 309
84 - Jonston, Amy 309
85 - Jonston, John W. 309
86 - Jonston, Laura 309
87 - Jonston, Maggie A. 309
88 - Jonston, Valles 309
89 - Jordan, Alma 301
90 - Jordan, Alvina 303
91 - Jordan, Alvina M. 303
92 - Jordan, Annie 303
93 - Jordan, Emma 303
94 - Jordan, Eugene 301
95 - Jordan, John 303
96 - Jordan, Kate 301
97 - Jordan, Loraine 301
98 - Jordan, Roy 301
99 - Jordan, Samuel 303
100 - Jordan, Sophia 303
101 - Juano, Adam 288
102 - Juano, Dolores 288
103 - Juano, Gregoria 288
104 - Juano, Julia 288
105 - Juanseca, Santiago 296
106 - Juanseca, Trinidad 296
107 - Junko, Raphael 289
108 - Keating, Richard 303
109 - Keck, Cora 285
110 - Keck, Edgar A 285
111 - Keck, Eliza A. 291
112 - Keck, Eva R. 285
113 - Keck, Frank R. 285
114 - Keck, Ray M. 285
115 - Keck, Thomas R. 285
116 - Keck, Willie E 285
117 - Kerr, Alta E 287
118 - Kerr, Annie Blanche 284
119 - Kerr, Annie Mary 284
120 - Kerr, Elizabeth 306
121 - Kerr, Genevieve L 287
122 - Kerr, Ida 306
123 - Kerr, Jeanette Rebecca 284
124 - Kerr, John W. B. 284
125 - Kerr, Livingston 286
126 - Kerr, Margaret A. 287
127 - Kerr, Mary 306
128 - Kerr, Peyton 289
129 - Kerr, Theodore 306
130 - Kerr, William 306
131 - Kerr, Willie M. 306
132 - King, Nancy 284
133 - King, Otis J. 284
134 - King, William 284
135 - Knaggs, Albert U 286
136 - Knaggs, Arthur J 286
137 - Knaggs, Caroline M 286
138 - Knaggs, Caroline M 286
139 - Knaggs, Catherine E 286
140 - Knaggs, George 286
141 - Knaggs, George S 286
142 - Knaggs, Richard F 286
143 - Krischbaum, Brijida 286
144 - Krischbaum, George 286
145 - La Luna, Demasis 303
146 - La Luna, Pinenia 303
147 - La Rosa, Dematra 297
148 - La Rosa, Juan 297
149 - Landin, Lorenzo 290
150 - Landin, Mauro 290
151 - Landrum, John A. 294
152 - Landrum, Joseph C. 294
153 - Landrum, Pearl 294
154 - Landrum, Pearl 294
155 - Landrum, William 294
156 - Lane, Albert 307
157 - Lane, Clifton 308
158 - Lane, Ellsberry 308
159 - Lane, Mae 308
160 - Lane, Mollie 308
161 - Lane, Nona 308
162 - Lang, Charles 286
163 - Lang, Dora 286
164 - Lara, Jose 299
165 - Larkins, Agnes 294
166 - Larkins, David 294
167 - Leber, Arthur 289
168 - Leslie, George 284
169 - Lesterjette, Artemus G. 284
170 - Lesterjette, Atamonte 284
171 - Lesterjette, E. T. 284
172 - Lesterjette, Edward T. 284
173 - Lesterjette, George Dewey 284
174 - Lesterjette, Katie L. 284
175 - Lesterjette, Maud M. 284
176 - Lesterjette, Mintie L. 284
177 - Lesterjette, William T. 284
178 - Little, Ada 304
179 - Little, Annie M. 304
180 - Little, Burnet 304
181 - Little, Claude 304
182 - Little, Laura 304
183 - Little, Maggie 304
184 - Little, Thomas 304
185 - Little, Verna 304
186 - Little, Willie 304
187 - Livingston, Alta F. 286
188 - Livingston, David 286
189 - Livingston, Katie O. 286
190 - Lockwood, Alfred A. 295
191 - Long, Bailey 294
192 - Long, Bellville 294
193 - Long, George F. 294
194 - Long, Harriet B. 294
195 - Long, John J. 294
196 - Long, Joseph W. 294
197 - Long, Leonie 294
198 - Longoria, Ancero 309
199 - Longoria, Jesus 308
200 - Longoria, Manuel 308
201 - Lopes, Antonia 288
202 - Lopes, Ausencia 302
203 - Lopes, Bernardino 293
204 - Lopes, Cesario 284
205 - Lopes, Domingo 293
206 - Lopes, Domingo 302
207 - Lopes, Elaria 302
208 - Lopes, Isabel 288
209 - Lopes, Jacinto 288
210 - Lopes, Josepha 288
211 - Lopes, Juanita 288
212 - Lopes, Julian 293
213 - Lopes, Louis 303
214 - Lopes, Manuella 293
215 - Lopes, Maria 289
216 - Lopes, Natalia 302
217 - Lopes, Ortensia 303
218 - Lopes, Pabla 302
219 - Lopes, Pabla 302
220 - Lopes, Pabla 293
221 - Lopes, Quitano 302
222 - Lopes, Refugia 303
223 - Lopes, Romana 302
224 - Lopes, Vicente 303
225 - Lopes, Vicente 303
226 - Lopes, Victoria 303
227 - Lopes, Virginia 303
228 - Lopez, Guilerma 300
229 - Lopez, Lenarso 306
230 - Lopez, Simona 304
231 - Losona, Alfredo 296
232 - Losona, Elsillia 296
233 - Losona, Estanislado 296
234 - Losona, Felice 296
235 - Losona, Maria 296
236 - Losona, Raphael 296
237 - Losoya, Bascilio 288
238 - Losoya, Jorge 288
239 - Losoya, Jose 288
240 - Losoya, Josepha 288
241 - Losoya, Ponoceno 288
242 - Losoya, Victoriana 288
243 - Louis, Robert 307
244 - Lowe, Phoebe 285
245 - Loysoya, Ramon 291
246 - Luna, Demasio 297
247 - Luna, Ochoa 306

Note: This Census index was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multiple errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcription. Census films are sometimes difficult or impossible to read, so some names are omitted. Other names were clearly misspelled on the Census form, but are entered here as read by the transcriber. Despite these cautions, the information in the Census can be quite helpful.

Send Comments, Questions, or Information you wish to share to Tom Graham

This listing was prepared by Tom Graham on April 7, 2001  This information may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission of the author. H4


This page was last updated on 4/7/2001
Copyright ? 2015 by Tom Graham, all rights reserved.

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