Dimmit Co

Military Discharge Index

This listing is from the Dimmit County Military Discharges Index.  The index includes information through the year 1946.


Name Discharge Date Other Data Link
Adams, Roy W 3/26/1919
Adams, Wayne 6/16/1919
Aguerro, Francisco 9/10/1943
Aguirre, Jose A Jr 7/27/1946
Aguirre, Ranulfo 12/14/1945
Alexander, Elmer M 10/2/1945
Allaire, Edmund A 12/7/1945 4022
Allaire, Edmund A 12/7/1945 4022
Allee, Tracy T 11/1/1945 1976
Allen, Charles Carroll 8/10/1944 4633
Allen, Samuel Eugene 1/17/1946
Alvarado, Augustin H 12/3/1945 31
Alvarado, Jose R 10/1/1945
Anderson, James G Jr 2/21/1946 45
Anderson, James G Jr 5/27/1943 45
Anderson, Mack D 11/7/1919 1989
Andrews, Joe E 7/25/1919
Armstrong, Earl N 11/2/1946
Armstrong, Sal Alvin 1/6/1946 4140
Armstrong, Sal Alvin 1/6/1946 4140
Arnold, Andew E 8/23/1943
Arredondo, Jose 5/24/1919
Askew, David Hearn 12/15/1918 3719
Askew, Wilson B 6/4/1918 2007
Atkinson, Robert L 5/4/1945
Avila, Simon 9/29/1943 58
Ayers, Arlest D 10/20/1945
Ayers, Carl Vivian 7/17/1946
Ayers, Charles W 11/10/1945
Ayers, Joe Wilburn 5/6/1946
Ayers, Other David 5/28/1946
Bailey, George N 11/25/1946
Bailey, Harry H 9/19/1929
Bailey, Willard E 6/21/1919
Baker, Chester Melvin 7/20/1946
Balderas, Jesus C 5/27/1942
Banda, David 12/21/1945
Banda, Rafael R 10/31/1944
Barlow, James W 2/1/1946
Barlow, Melvyn H 9/10/1945
Barnett, Jester O 12/21/1945
Barron, Bush Parker 8/6/1919
Baylor, George Wythe 7/31/1919
Baylor, Tom Perry 1/12/1927
Bell, Clarence S 7/13/1945
Bell, Dudley D 6/18/1919 88
Bell, Herman Lee 11/17/1945 4632
Bell, Leslie D 7/3/1945
Bell, Macie Jr 7/18/1946
Bell, Nealy Nelson 5/20/1943 94
Bell, Walter R 8/5/1917 2092
Bell, William A 3/15/1919
Bell, William A 3/15/1919
Benavides, Alejandro 2/4/1943
Benavides, Gilberto 2/5/1946
Benavides, Gilberto 2/5/1946
Benavides, Hernan 4/3/1946
Benavides, Jose P 11/4/1945
Benavides, Onecimo G 12/16/1945
Benitez, Ambrosio A 7/5/1943
Benitez, Francisco Jr 10/23/1945
Berumen, Erabiano D 10/26/1945
Berumen, Jose 1/10/1946
Berumen, Juan D 12/7/1945
Betancourt, Daniel 2/3/1944
Bilderback, Henry 12/25/1945 111
Bishop, Howard E 4/14/1946 2106
Blackard, Adrian C 11/4/1943
Blackway, Albert A 11/14/1946
Bonnot, Andres C 10/13/1945 1674
Bonnot, Victor C 11/10/1945 4374
Bostic, James Howard 12/25/1945
Boyd, Wilson 12/14/1918
Bradburn, Leon C 3/12/1919 2128
Bradshaw, Farrell W 11/18/1945 2129
Bradshaw, Kenneth Carroll 10/3/1945
Brady, Hubert Patric 8/14/1919
Brady, Raymond M 11/21/1945 2134
Branch, Joe Valton 11/25/1945
Braune, Nolan R 3/13/1946
Brown, Leon H 9/19/1945 143
Brown, Orin L 10/8/1945
Brown, Roger S 6/16/1919 145
Brown, William 6/21/1919
Burns, Ira M 11/1/1945
Burns, Ira T 3/5/1919 150
Bustamante, Claudio S 10/21/1945
Bustamante, Cleofas 3/21/1946
Bustamante, Lauro S 11/22/1945
Bustamante, Lucio M 12/23/1946
Bustamante, Lucio Martinez 10/30/1945
Bustamante, Mauro S 11/23/1944
Butler, Chub P 12/1/1945
Butler, Edward N 9/9/1918
Butler, Jack W 8/30/1945

This listing is in work. Currently it includes names beginning with A and B.

Thanks to Bert Bell who made the paper copy of the Dimmit County Discharge Index.



Send Comments, Questions, or Information you wish to share to Tom Graham

The information in the Dimmit County Military Discharges Index Listing may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission. H4

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