Dimmit Co

Dimmit Co Linked Information

Other information on this site about Bonnot, Eloisa

Cemetery Listing:

Galan, Eloisa B.23 Jun 19174 May 2000St. Michaelsw Leonardo M.

Social Security Death Index:

NameIssuedBirthDeathLR ZIP
GALAN, ELOISA BTX23 Jun 191704 May 200078834 


Galan, Eloisa23 Jun 1917, Big Wells, TX4 May 2000, Carrizo Springs, TXBig Wells, TX8 May 2000, St. Michaels Cemetery, Big Wells, TXVictor Bonnot Sr. Lorenza Cardenas Lalo Galan 
Survived by: Sons - Armando B. Galan, Santiago B. Galan, Ernesto B. Galan, Ramiro Arturo B. Galan; Sisters - Belia B. Perez, Aurora B. Minjares, Esperanza B. Moreno, Guadalupe B. Gonzales


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