Dimmit Co

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Other information on this site about Castro, Elisa

Dimmit County Birth Index:

NameSexFatherMotherBirth DateDeceasedNote
Castro, Elisa FTomas CastroRosa Scott7/9/1943

Social Security Death Index:

NameIssuedBirthDeathLR ZIP
RODRIGUEZ, ELISA CTX7/9/194310/11/200978834 


Rodriguez, Elisa9 Jul 1943, Carrizo Springs, TX11 Oct 2009, San Antonio, TXCarrizo Springs, TX15 Oct 2009, Guadalupe Cemetery, Carrizo Springs, TXTomas Castro Rosa Scott Jesus D. Rodriguez 
Survived by: her daughter, Patricia Martinez of Carrizo Springs; her son, Mario Daniel Rodriguez of Carrizo Springs; three sisters, Juanita Rodriguez of San Antonio, Amelia Muniz of Wooddale, Illinois, and Valarie Vargas of Austin; two brothers, Tomas Castro of Carrizo Springs and Julio Castro of Carrizo Springs; four grandchildren, Christopher B. Martinez, Mark J. Martinez, Jose D. Rodriguez, and Geri Leigh Rodriguez; and numerous other relatives. Besides her parents and her husband, she was also preceded in death by four brothers, Henry Scott, Robert H. Scott, Agustin Torres, and Guadalupe Castro.


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