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Other information on this site about Rodriguez, Nicolas

Social Security Death Index:

NameIssuedBirthDeathLR ZIP
RODRIGUEZ, NICOLAS MND4/15/19242/21/200978834 


Rodriguez, Nicolas15 Apr 1924, Brundage, TX21 Feb 2009, San Antonio, TXCarrizo Springs, TX25 Feb 2009, Guadalupe Cemetery, Carrizo Springs, TXAntonio Lopez Rodriguez Simona Martinez Felicitas Contreras 
Survived by: three daughters, Amalia Nelson (and David Bradley) of Wyoming, Margarita (and Juan) Alonzo of Minnesota, and Teresa (and Oscar) Surita of Minnesota; five sons, Nicolas (and Nivia) Rodriguez, Jr. of Carrizo Springs, Marcos (and Sonia) Rodriguez of Carrizo Springs, Noe (and Judy) Rodriguez of Cotulla, Moises (and Abigail) Rodriguez of Ft. Worth, and Joel Rodriguez of Carrizo Springs; two sisters, Angela Arias of Illinois and Herlinda Rodriguez, also of Illinois; three brothers, Pablo Rodriguez of Illinois, Elpidio Rodriguez of Illinois, and Benjamin Rodriguez of Houston; 27 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and numerous other relatives. Besides his parents, he was also preceded in death by two sisters, Jovita Contreras of Tulia, Texas and Mariana Arellano of Illinois.


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