Zavala Co

State of Texas Death Index for
Zavala County, Texas

This listing is an extract from the Texas State Death Index for deaths recorded in Zavala County. For more information on Texas records, visit the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics web page.

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Name Died Sex Links
Eaker, Melvin 2/10/1996 M
Egia, Jose Amaya 5/11/1987 m 126
Eiband, Virginia W 6/16/1968 F 127
Elizondo, Espiridion 7/1/1975 M 128
English, Charlie 4/14/1992 M
Enriquez, Rita 6/21/1973 F 129
Erskine, Roy 7/18/1965 M 130
Escobedo, Benito U 3/5/1965 M
Esquivel, Heriberto 10/10/1987 m
Esquivel, Marco Antonio 11/17/1964 M 131
Estala, Martin Hernandez 11/29/1987 m 132
Estrada, Cherry A 1/28/1971 F
Estrada, Rosa 2/7/1999 F
Estrada, Sireena S 4/19/1970 F
Evins, Theodore Frederick JR 8/9/1996 M 133
Falcon, Laura 5/14/1992 F
Faz, Ignacio 11/7/1977 M
Fernandez, Julio 8/17/1971 M 134
Fernandez, Luis 5/12/1976 M 135
Fernandez, Tomas 2/4/1970 M 136
Figueroa, Jose M 8/16/1973 M 137
Fiscal, Epifanio 11/9/1989 M
Flores, Abraham H 8/1/1996 M
Flores, Adela O 8/25/1973 F
Flores, Alejandra A 10/4/1964 F 138
Flores, Alfredo Ramirez 12/7/1988 M
Flores, Carlotta S 8/19/1988 F 139
Flores, Consuelo E 12/24/1985 m
Flores, Crispin 5/10/1991 M 140
Flores, Jonas 6/1/1974 M 141
Flores, Julio V 11/25/1988 M
Flores, Luz Orona 9/15/1969 F
Flores, Maria De Jesus E 1/29/1965 F 143
Flores, Maria Ignacia 10/18/1966 F 142
Flores, Maria Z 8/12/1976 F
Flores, Olga Elida 8/7/1986 f 144
Flores, Pedro D 11/15/1967 M 145
Flores, Sapopa V 2/1/1971 F 146
Ford, Clifton Lavallee 2/19/1970 M
Foulds, Mary Lou 5/7/1996 F
Fraire, Daniel R 7/23/1986 m
Fraire, Leopoldo 2/27/1998 M
Franco, George 7/26/1965 M 147
Frazell, Charles Wesley 11/23/1990 M 148
Frizzell, James Bailey 6/5/1984 M
Fuentes, Evelio G 7/4/1978 M 149
Fuentes, Raymundo 6/24/1991 M
Fuentes, Raymundo 6/24/1991 M
Fuentes, Rumaldo 8/27/1975 M 150
Gallardo, Luis Antonio Mendoza 9/23/1999 M
Gallegos, Agapito 1/23/1973 M 151
Gallegos, Alejandro A 6/10/1972 M 152
Gallegos, Carolina A 6/22/1969 F 153
Gallegos, Catarina 2/13/1968 F
Gallegos, Perfecto L 8/6/1993 M
Gallegos, Rachel 7/28/1966 F 154
Gallegos, Severo 11/15/1971 M
Galvan, Alfredo 7/30/1979 M 155
Galvan, Angelica Maria 5/5/1966 F
Galvan, Maria Isabel 10/2/1992 F
Galvan, Ricardo 12/28/1968 M 156
Galvan, Roberto 7/30/1979 M
Gamez, Florencio 8/31/1968 M
Garcia, Antonia S 1/22/1974 F 157
Garcia, Antonio 8/23/1967 M
Garcia, Armando 1/9/1997 M
Garcia, Catalina G 8/8/1976 F 158
Garcia, Dolores 11/9/1974 M 159
Garcia, Elisa 2/23/1969 F
Garcia, Ernest Morales JR 6/25/1988 M
Garcia, Felicidad B 11/16/1965 F
Garcia, Felipe C 5/6/1973 M
Garcia, Genaro 1/22/1967 M
Garcia, Guadalupe 3/5/1995 F
Garcia, Isidra M 9/6/1974 F 161
Garcia, Ismael JR 10/31/1975 M
Garcia, Jaime 5/25/1997 M
Garcia, Jesusita C 4/8/1991 F
Garcia, Jose G 12/26/1966 M
Garcia, Jose G JR 11/1/1974 M
Garcia, Juan T 6/5/1997 M
Garcia, Juanita G 4/7/1975 F
Garcia, Luis Alfonso 3/11/1990 M
Garcia, Luis M 11/6/1990 M
Garcia, Manuela V 1/12/1971 F 162
Garcia, Maria Del Carmen 1/9/1966 F
Garcia, Maria Esther 1/22/1965 F 163
Garcia, Maria Luisa 6/18/1991 F
Garcia, Oscar Baldemar 7/21/1994 M
Garcia, Reynaldo 12/17/1995 M
Garcia, Selso R 12/20/1997 M
Garcia, Yolanda Hernandez 4/23/1979 F
Gary, Tom Loader 10/12/1983 M
Garza, Adela Guerrero 2/14/1968 F 164
Garza, Cecilia Martinez 2/25/1967 F
Garza, Cipriano 11/9/1965 M
Garza, Cruz JR 10/9/1997 M
Garza, Francisco 10/3/1968 M
Garza, Giulia Catalina 7/1/1997 F
Garza, Jesus JR 6/10/1967 M
Garza, Lionel 11/30/1970 M
Garza, Luis 12/14/1967 M
Garza, Maria Z 7/19/1970 F
Garza, Martha M 8/21/1999 F
Garza, Mercedes 11/7/1964 F
Garza, Pedro M 2/14/1966 M
Garza, Tomasa J 10/20/1973 F 165
Gates, Jack Salmon 12/17/1996 M
Gatica, Perfecta T 3/12/1969 F 166
Gibbens, Roy 1/10/1976 M 167
Gil, Martina Trevino 11/30/1968 F
Gilbert, Lonnie J 7/30/1973 F
Glenn, Patrick Joseph 12/24/1990 M 168
Gloria, Alberto 5/29/1985 m 169
Gloria, Juan 3/8/1974 M
Gomez, Catalina 1/15/1971 F 170
Gomez, Epolito JR 10/19/1968 M 171
Gomez, Jose Torres 9/4/1980 M 172
Gomez, Roberto 9/11/1999 M
Gomez, Santiago 6/12/1966 M
Gomez, Santiago JR 5/19/1990 M
Gomez, Tomasa 3/12/1965 F
Gonzales, Alberto JR 2/8/1982 M
Gonzales, Gregoria C 11/1/1969 F
Gonzales, Juan JR 4/13/1969 M
Gonzales, Nicolasa T 8/2/1965 F
Gonzales, Nieves 11/8/1999 F
Gonzales, Santiago O 10/8/1966 M
Gonzalez, Daniel G 3/27/1997 M
Gonzalez, Delfina 9/6/1991 F
Gonzalez, Jose M 5/12/1988 M 173
Gonzalez, Pedro L. 3/4/1989 M
Goodman, Alfred Clyde 12/29/1983 M
Goodman, Grace Erma 3/19/1984 F
Green, Asa Walden 12/23/1968 M 174
Griego, Barbarita L 9/23/1974 F 175
Griego, Nicolas 3/12/1964 M
Guadarrama, Isabel A 9/24/1964 F
Guadarrama, Nestor C 1/13/1965 M
Guajardo, Marcos 6/16/1967 M 176
Guantello, Hilario G 7/9/1972 M
Guerra, Hilario S 7/23/1998 M
Guerra, Jose E 3/18/1975 M 177
Guerra, Olivia 12/30/1991 F
Guerrero, Cynthia Ann 4/11/1986 f
Guerrero, Francisco B 7/21/1972 M
Guerrero, Gaspar JR 6/6/1964 M 178
Guerrero, Jose Rodolfo 1/29/1994 M
Guerrero, Julio 5/1/1974 M
Guerrero, Torivio L 10/29/1974 M 179
Guerrero, Ysabel R 6/18/1971 F 180
Guevara, Delfino D 3/22/1991 M
Guevara, Faustino L 12/6/1965 M
Guevara, Gustavo 2/21/1966 M 181
Guillen, Juan 7/4/1975 M
Gurley, Jerome Franklin 5/8/1968 M
Gutierrez, Jose Angel 10/17/1964 M
Guyler, Bernard Ratley 9/21/1991 M 182
Guzman, Jeronimo Mendoza 8/11/1999 M
Guzman, Maria De Los Angeles 5/29/1992 F
Guzman, Maria R 5/28/1975 F
Guzman, Miguel 3/1/1973 M
Hammond, Ada Eugenia 9/15/1979 F 183
Harkey, Harold L SR 3/27/1971 M 1884
Harkey, Wayne King 4/19/1999 M
Harp, Willie L 9/27/1970 F 185
Hartman, Carl E 9/25/1970 M
Hartmangruber, Robert Ray 6/15/1969 M
Haun, Lois 1/23/1971 F
Haun, William H 1/27/1971 M
Head, Hayden Wilson 7/24/1987 m
Heitz, Brooks Mcmillan 5/31/1991 M 186
Heitz, Charles John 1/13/1965 M
Heredia, Bernardo 2/3/1975 M 187
Herman, George Conrad JR 2/5/1965 M 188
Hernandez, Alejandro 4/25/1964 M
Hernandez, Carmen Rodriguez 4/24/1983 F
Hernandez, Felicita 4/6/1998 F
Hernandez, Felipe JR 12/1/1976 M
Hernandez, Francisco G 1/13/1964 M 189
Hernandez, Francisco H 7/22/1974 M
Hernandez, Guadalupe 9/19/1996 M
Hernandez, Guadalupe 11/28/1999 F
Hernandez, Guadalupe 6/22/1998 M
Hernandez, Ignacio 11/25/1973 M
Hernandez, Julia M 11/3/1970 F
Hernandez, Julian T 1/17/1999 M
Hernandez, Leonarda R 7/17/1964 F 190
Hernandez, Lydia 4/29/1970 F
Hernandez, Maria Z 10/30/1965 F
Hernandez, Martin 12/22/1967 M
Hernandez, Olivia R 9/12/1988 F 191
Hernandez, Refugia P 12/4/1973 F
Hernandez, Rosa Elia Ortiz 10/14/1984 F
Hernandez, Santos R 1/13/1968 M 192
Hernandez, Tomasa G 10/8/1996 F
Herrera, Francisco 9/10/1971 M
Herrera, Santiago R 4/1/1967 M
Hicks, Lee 6/5/1974 M 193
Hinojosa, Florencio 5/26/1964 M
Hinojosa, Julio 7/26/1976 M 194
Hinojosa, Vicente G 8/31/1971 M
Hipp, Harris F 4/15/1972 M
Hoenow, Walter Karl 5/27/1967 M 195
Holdsworth, Mary O 7/14/1975 F 193
Horton, Dwayne Allen 7/16/1966 M 197
Howell, Esther M 9/10/1988 F
Huerta, Eduardo 1/6/1964 M
Huerta, Elena Ybarra 2/15/1965 F 198
Humphrey, John Enos 9/16/1967 M 199
Hunter, Elsie Mae 3/22/1985 f
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Last Modified 6/15/2002

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