Zavala Co

1910 Zavala County Texas Census

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1 [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]
DW FM Name Relation Color Sex Age M Stat M Yrs Chld Lvg Birthplace Father Mother Occupation Links
ED167 Frame No 253 Precinct 1
1 1 Ray, Richard Head M W 69 M1 33

Georgia Georgia Georgia Own Income
1 1 Ray, Amelia W. Wife F W 53 M1 33 4 4 Texas Tennessee New York

1 1 Ray, Selata W. Daughter F W 19 S

Texas Georgia Texas

1 1 Ray, Hayane A. Daughter F W 19 S

Texas Georgia Texas

2 2 Barton, Joe C. Head M W 40 M1 20

Georgia South Carolina Georgia Farmer
2 2 Barton, Lue O. Wife F W 37 M1 20 10 7 Georgia Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Horace W. Son M W 17 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Fred G. Son M W 15 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Carl B. Son M W 14 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Frank B. Son M W 12 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Henry W. Son M W 10 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Cecil N Daughter F W 5 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

2 2 Barton, Ruby L. Daughter F W 3 S

Texas Georgia Georgia

3 3 Speer, William R. Head M W 56 M1 35

Arkansas Un Kentucky Laborer - Odd jobs 436
3 3 Speer, Alice L. Wife F W 49 M1 32 11 9 Texas Tennessee Kentucky
3 3 Speer, Mamie H. Daughter F W 30 S

Texas Tennessee Texas

3 3 Speer, Emma Daughter F W 24 S

Texas Tennessee Texas
3 3 Speer, Annie Daughter F W 16 S

Texas Tennessee Texas

3 3 Speer, Alton A. Son M W 5 S

Texas Tennessee Texas

4 4 Pace, John F. Head M W 38 M1 13

Arkansas Missouri Missouri Carpenter - House 328
4 4 Pace, Nannie Wife F W 38 M1 13 2 2 Texas South Carolina Arkansas
4 4 Pace, Mina Daughter F W 17 S

Texas Arkansas Texas
4 4 Pace, Hudson Son M W 10 S

Texas Arkansas Texas

5 5 Bates, William Head M W 39 M2 8

Alabama Mississippi Alabama Blacksmith
5 5 Bates, Malinda Wife F W 30 M1 8 0 0 Texas Texas Alabama

6 6 Smith, G. Head F W 39 Wd
2 2 Texas Tennessee Indiana Keeper - Lodging House
6 6 Smith, Currie L. Daughter F W 20 S

Texas Un Indiana

6 6 Smith, Eva M. Daughter F W 17 S

Texas Un Indiana

7 7 West, Leah K. Head F W 68 Wd
10 7 Alabama North Carolina Un
7 7 West, Vince D. Son M W 30 S

Texas Mississippi Un Stockman - Ranch 441
8 8 Grove, Jacob Head M W 78 M2 16

Ohio Un Un Carpenter - House
8 8 Grove, Ida Wife F W 50 M2 16 0 0 South Carolina Un Un
9 9 Holmes, Ned W Head M W 40 M1 17

Texas Arkansas Un Stockman - Ranch 444
9 9 Holmes, Dora Wife F W 32 M1 17 5 5 Texas Alabama Texas
9 9 Holmes, Jake A. Son M W 16 S

Texas Arkansas Texas
9 9 Holmes, Mary V. Daughter F W 14 S

Texas Arkansas Texas

9 9 Holmes, Joseph B. Son M W 12 S

Texas Arkansas Texas

9 9 Holmes, Ned W. Jr. Son M W 9 S

Texas Arkansas Texas

9 9 Holmes, Fred W. Son M W 5 S

Texas Arkansas Texas

10 10 Crain, Zachariah Head M W 34 M1 14

Texas Texas Texas Stockman - Ranch
10 10 Crain, Siller Wife F W 32 M1 14 3 2 Texas Texas Texas

10 10 Crain, Barney Son M W 11 S

Texas Texas Texas

10 10 Crain, Gladys Daughter F W 3 S

Texas Texas Texas

11 11 Couser, Robert L. Head M W 40 M1

Texas Un Un Clerk - General Store
11 11 Couser, Rosalee Wife F W 30 M2
0 0 Texas Tennessee Arkansas

11 11 Couser, Iola? Daughter F W 15 S

Texas Un Un

11 11 Kagness, Sue Mother-in-law F W 56 Wd
4 1 Arkansas Un Un

11 11 Hatfield, Clifford Grand son M W 7 S

Texas Texas Texas

13 13 Hale, Donald Head M W 48 M1 24

Mississippi Un Un Stockman - Ranch
13 13 Hale, Hattie Wife F W 44 M1 24 6 5 Texas Mississippi Mississippi

13 13 Hale, Herbert Son M W 21 S

Texas Mississippi Texas Laborer - Odd jobs
13 13 Hale, Ellis Son M W 18 S

Texas Mississippi Texas

13 13 Hale, Hazel Daughter F W 3 S

Texas Mississippi Texas

13 14 Hooper, William R. Head M W 68 M1 20

Louisiana Un Un Merchant - General Store
13 14 Hooper, Edith M. Wife F W 37 M1 20 4 4 Mississippi Alabama Tennessee

13 14 Hooper, Alvin R. Son M W 18 S

Texas Mississippi Mississippi Clerk - General Store
13 14 Hooper, Zottamay Daughter F W 16 S

Texas Un Mississippi

13 14 Hooper, Ennis Son M W 12 S

Texas Un Mississippi

14 15 Speer, Dutz C. Head M W 20 M1 0

Texas Mississippi Texas Laborer - Odd Jobs
14 15 Speer, Eleanor Wife F W 17 M1 0 0 0 Texas Mississippi Texas

15 16 Hornburg, Lindsay Head M W 31 M1 10

Texas Germany Texas Preacher - Church house
15 16 Hornburg, Mamie Wife F W 29 M1 10 4 4 Texas Texas Alabama

15 16 Hornburg, Henrietta Daughter F W 7 S

Texas Texas Texas

15 16 Hornburg, Howard Son M W 5 S

Texas Texas Texas

15 16 Hornburg, Hoff Son M W 3 S

Texas Texas Texas

15 16 Hornburg, Watt Son M W 1 S

Texas Texas Texas

16 17 Hinton, Monroe I. Head M W 50 M1 28

Texas Texas United States Stockman - Ranch
16 17 Hinton, Edna Wife F W 48 M1 28 12 11 Alabama Alabama Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Lee Son M W 23 S

Texas Texas Alabama Stockman - Ranch
16 17 Hinton, May Daughter F W 16 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Lem Son M W 14 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Burnel Son M W 12 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Anna Daughter F W 9 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Fred Son M W 7 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Velma Daughter F W 5 S

Texas Texas Alabama

16 17 Hinton, Willie Son M W 1 S

Texas Texas Alabama

17 18 Sawyers, Ben A. Head M W 29 M1 2

Texas Mississippi Georgia Salesman - General Store 451
17 18 Sawyers, Sefina Wife F W 31 M1 2 2 1 Texas Texas Louisiana

17 18 Sawyers, Melba Daughter F W 5/12 S

Texas Texas Texas

18 19 Sawyers, James H. Head M W 62 M2 33

Mississippi Mississippi mIssissippi Assessor - County 338
18 19 Sawyers, Luella O. Wife F W 50 M2 33 9 8 Georgia Georgia Georgia
18 19 Sawyers, Edward Son M W 29 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia Teacher - Public school 450
18 19 Sawyers, Allen A. Son M W 27 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia Stockman - Ranch 452
18 19 Sawyers, Minnie L. Daughter F W 23 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia
18 19 Sawyers, Oliver W. Son M W 20 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia
18 19 Sawyers, Hansford Son M W 16 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia
18 19 Sawyers, Maude Daughter F W 14 S

Texas Mississippi Georgia

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This transcription of the 1910 Zavala County census is a work in progress by Tom Graham. An attempt was made to transcribe all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were very difficult to read and subject to interpretation. These names have a question mark beside them (some were probably missed). Some of the names were obviously misspelled by the census enumerator or the original census transcriber.

The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain. H4

Last update 6/6/2004

Mail to Tom Graham:

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