Zavala Co

Zavala County Birth Index

The Zavala County Texas Birth Index contains information about births registered in the county for individuals born between 1906 and 1931.

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Name Sex Father Mother Birth Date Link Father Link Mother Link
Abeles, Coleene Elois F Andrew Abele Junetia Seale 5/10/1929

Akin, Muril F. M Homer F. Akin Ruby Rutherford 7/29/1929

Alejandro, Alberto M Jose Alejandro Senorita Escovel 7/3/1929

Alfora, Ernestina F Guadalupe Alfora Pabla F. Alfora 4/23/1929

Allen, Bobbie M Ollie Mae Ivy 8/25/1929

Alley, Nelldean F James Wesley Alley Sallie Barbara Emerson 7/22/1929

Alvarado, Ayostina M Simon Alvarado Antonia Alvarado 9/28/1927

Alvarado, David M Barcellio Alvarado Parfilia Gonzales 6/21/1927

Alvarado, Santiago M Barcillo Alvarado Porfilia Gonzales 11/23/1928

Amaya, Maria Ernestina F Miguel Amaya Sabina Garcia 11/12/1927

Amayo, Jesus M Franklin Amayo Cristine Garcia 12/25/1927

Andrews, Jack Milton M Pink R Andrews Martha McKinhus 1/19/1929

Arellano, Julia F Ponciano Arellano Adela Reyes 7/28/1927

Arellano, Valentin De Nativied M Ponciano Arellano Adela Reyes 2/13/1929

Arenar, Maria Gloria F Lorenzo Arenar Josefa Medina 3/11/1928

Arenas, Amparo F Pedro Arenas Enriqua Saenz 3/12/1927

Arenas, Jose Jesus M Pedro Arenas Maria Ortiz 10/21/1927

Arenaz, Amelia F Pedro Arenos Enriqua Saenz 6/8/1929

Areyona, Julia F Pauciano Areyona Adelia Reyes 7/28/1927

Argelia, Aura F Santiago Argelia Francisca Boldereg 6/10/1927

Arreano, Juanita F Asension Arreano Cruz Rodriguez 12/21/1929

Arreola, Eduardo M Marcial Arreola Bernarda Roman 1/5/1928

Arreola, Felix M Marcial Arreola Bernarda Roman 3/31/1929

Arriona, Natividad M Poncimo Arriona Adela Reyes 2/13/1929

Atchley, Edith F Daniel O Atchley Mildred E Hardaway 3/4/1927

Atchley, Virginia Ellen F D. Oliver Atchley Nora Hardaway 3/15/1929

Auila, Amelia F Tonio Auila Lupe Mendez 6/26/1929

Avalos, Antonio M Guadalupe Avalos Pilar Velasquez 1/22/1929

Avila, Torivia Inf Of F Torivia Avila Guadalupe Mendez 6/26/1929


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