Dwelling | Family | Name | Age | Sex | Color | Occupation | RealEstate | Personal | Birthplace | Married | School | Read | Deaf |
262 | 172 | Fall, West | 38 | M | W | Farmer | 1000 | 200 | IL | ||||
263 | 173 | Weaver, J. | 40 | M | W | Stock Raiser | 1000 | ||||||
263 | 173 | Weaver, Marie | 30 | F | W | ||||||||
263 | 173 | Weaver, John | 10 | M | W | TX | |||||||
263 | 173 | Weaver, Charley | 7 | M | W | TX | |||||||
263 | 173 | Weaver, Janney | 8 | F | W | TX | |||||||
264 | 174 | Ramirez, Antonio | 38 | M | W | Herder | MEX | ||||||
264 | 174 | Ramirez, Ramona | 28 | F | W | MEX | |||||||
264 | 174 | Ramirez, Petra | 14 | F | W | MEX | |||||||
264 | 174 | Ramirez, Fenusa | 13 | F | W | MEX | |||||||
265 | 175 | Woodward, John G. | 42 | M | W | Farmer | 100 | AL | |||||
266 | 176 | Hay, Elizah | 47 | M | W | Farmer | 5000 | LA | |||||
266 | 176 | Hay, Caroline | 16 | F | W | TX | |||||||
266 | 176 | Hay, John | 13 | M | W | TX | |||||||
266 | 176 | Hay, Dan'l | 5 | M | W | TX | |||||||
267 | 177 | Hay, Silas | 24 | M | W | Stock Raiser | 600 | LA | |||||
267 | 177 | Hay, Lucinda | 17 | F | W | TX | |||||||
267 | 177 | Hay, Leonard | 9/12 | M | W | TX | |||||||
268 | 178 | Hay, Nathaniel | 26 | M | W | Stock Raiser | 600 | LA | |||||
268 | 178 | Hay, Liza | 18 | F | W | AK | |||||||
268 | 178 | Hay, William | 2 | M | W | TX | |||||||
269 | 179 | Hay, Martin | 32 | M | W | Stock Raiser | 800 | LA | |||||
269 | 179 | Hay, Louisa | 21 | F | W | LA | |||||||
269 | 179 | Hay, Franklin | 4 | M | W | TX | |||||||
269 | 179 | Hay, Mary | 2 | M | W | TX | |||||||
269 | 179 | Owings, Wm. | 30 | M | W | Herder |
Note: This Census listing was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multible errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcripton. Census films are sometimes difficult to read, so names are entered here as read by the transcriber. Despite these cautions, the information in the Census can be quite helpful.
All material contained on these pages is furnished for the free use of those researching their family origins. Any commercial use, without the consent of the author is prohibited --Copyright is retained by the author of this material and publication to any medium, electronic or non-electronic, without consent is in violation of the law.
Mail to Tom Graham: wm1@historicdistrict.com
Copyright 2025 by Historic District.