Zavala Co

Index of the 1910 Census of Zavala County

This file contains 515 names extracted from a copy of the 1910 Zavala County Census microfilm. The index includes the name of each person listed (see Note below) and the microfilm frame number of their listing. Click on the frame number to see the detail of that census page.

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Census Index Listing
Person Frame
1 - Ramos, Elisa 257
2 - Ramos, Enriquiz 257
3 - Ramos, Jesus 257
4 - Ramos, Josefa 257
5 - Ramos, Martha 257
6 - Ray, Amelia W. 253
7 - Ray, Ernest A. 256
8 - Ray, Hayane A. 253
9 - Ray, Mary L. 256
10 - Ray, Paul 256
11 - Ray, Pauline 256
12 - Ray, Richard 253
13 - Ray, Selata W. 253
14 - Read, James 258
15 - Reed, Albert C. 262
16 - Reed, Clayton T. 255
17 - Reed, Erie I. 255
18 - Reed, Lillie W. 262
19 - Reed, Mollie E. 255
20 - Reed, Thomas 255
21 - Rentadia, Agapita 256
22 - Rentadia, Angilita 256
23 - Rentadia, Antonia 256
24 - Rentadia, Favian 256
25 - Rentadia, Jose 256
26 - Rentadia, Ventura 256
27 - Reyes, Alberto 255
28 - Reyes, Ascencion 255
29 - Reyes, Domingo 255
30 - Reyes, Francisco 255
31 - Reyes, Jose 255
32 - Reyes, Josefa 255
33 - Reyes, Maguil 255
34 - Reyes, Maria 255
35 - Reyes, Merijildo 255
36 - Reyes, Meripildo 255
37 - Reyes, Ramona 255
38 - Rios, Antonio 258
39 - Rios, Antonio 258
40 - Rios, Antonio 259
41 - Rios, Antonio 259
42 - Rios, Dammian? 258
43 - Rios, Esteban 261
44 - Rios, Esteban Jr. 261
45 - Rios, Georgia 258
46 - Rios, Juanita 259
47 - Rios, Juanita 258
48 - Rios, Julian 261
49 - Rios, Margarita 259
50 - Rios, Margarito 258
51 - Rios, Perfecto 261
52 - Rios, Petra 261
53 - Rios, Petra 258
54 - Rios, Petra 259
55 - Rios, Refugia 261
56 - Rite, Authur A. 262
57 - Rite, Benjaman F. 262
58 - Rite, David A. 262
59 - Rite, Ernest L. 262
60 - Rite, Ida V. 262
61 - Rite, Jacob I. 262
62 - Rite, Lawrence F. 262
63 - Rite, Lula M. 262
64 - Rite, Robert N. 262
65 - Rite, Roy B. 262
66 - Robertson, Bluford 262
67 - Robertson, Jeff D. 262
68 - Robertson, Lenny 262
69 - Robertson, Mattie 262
70 - Robertson, Sinie 262
71 - Rodriguez, Alejandro 255
72 - Rodriguez, Ignacia 255
73 - Rodriguez, Isabel 258
74 - Rodriguez, Nestor 255
75 - Rodriguez, Pedro 258
76 - Rodriguez, Regino 258
77 - Rodriguez, Rosa 255
78 - Rodriguez, Uravis 258
79 - Ross, Charley B. 254
80 - Ross, Ellis B. 254
81 - Ross, Hlariba H. 254
82 - Ross, Jacob S. 254
83 - Ross, John L. 254
84 - Ross, Leonard 254
85 - Ross, Orna J. 254
86 - Ross, Raymond I. 254
87 - Ross, Sam M. 254
88 - Ross, Sidney L. 254
89 - Ruiz, Adelfina 261
90 - Ruiz, Daniel 261
91 - Ruiz, Esteban 261
92 - Ruiz, Jesus 261
93 - Ruiz, Jesus 261
94 - Ruiz, Marsalina 261
95 - Ruiz, Martinano 261
96 - Ruiz, Severo 261
97 - Rutledge, Addie M. 264
98 - Rutledge, Calvin E. 264
99 - Rutledge, Donald 264
100 - Rutledge, Emmaline 264
101 - Rutledge, Evans 264
102 - Rutledge, Frank 264
103 - Rutledge, Grace 264
104 - Rutledge, Ida 264
105 - Rutledge, Ioma 264
106 - Rutledge, James 264
107 - Rutledge, Willie 264
108 - Rylander, Charles 260
109 - Salinas, Juan 264
110 - Salinas, Manuella 257
111 - Salinas, Pabla 257
112 - Salinas, Santos 257
113 - Sawyers, Allen A. 253
114 - Sawyers, Ben A. 253
115 - Sawyers, Edward 253
116 - Sawyers, Emma A. 259
117 - Sawyers, Hansford 253
118 - Sawyers, James H. 253
119 - Sawyers, James N. 259
120 - Sawyers, James N. Jr. 259
121 - Sawyers, Luella O. 253
122 - Sawyers, Mary 259
123 - Sawyers, Maude 253
124 - Sawyers, Melba 253
125 - Sawyers, Minnie L. 253
126 - Sawyers, Neal H. 259
127 - Sawyers, Oliver W. 253
128 - Sawyers, Sefina 253
129 - Schott, Albert J. 254
130 - Schott, Alice T 254
131 - Schott, Ora L. 254
132 - Schott, Roscoe 254
133 - Shane, Elizabeth M. 260
134 - Shane, Henry C. 260
135 - Shane, Julia E. 260
136 - Shane, Lee E. 260
137 - Shane, Mary L. 260
138 - Shane, Viola M. 260
139 - Shane, William H. 260
140 - Shearer, Almeda F. 255
141 - Shearer, Beulah 255
142 - Shearer, Clay 255
143 - Shearer, Cordelia 255
144 - Shearer, Gilmer 255
145 - Shearer, John B. 255
146 - Shearer, John R. 255
147 - Shearer, Joseph M. 255
148 - Smith, Currie L. 253
149 - Smith, Eva M. 253
150 - Smith, G. 253
151 - Smith, William B. 260
152 - Speer, Alice L. 253
153 - Speer, Alton A. 253
154 - Speer, Annie 253
155 - Speer, Dutz C. 253
156 - Speer, Eleanor 253
157 - Speer, Emma 253
158 - Speer, Mamie H. 253
159 - Speer, William R. 253
160 - Springer, Gra? 255
161 - Springer, Lester I. 255
162 - Springer, Maggie F. 255
163 - Springer, Richard 255
164 - Stewart, Celia 262
165 - Stewart, Frank 262
166 - Stewart, Lenna? 262
167 - Stewart, Myrtle 262
168 - Stewart, Not Names 262
169 - Stewart, Scytha 262
170 - Stewart, Thomas C. 262
171 - Stewart, Zack 262
172 - Sullivan, John S. 265
173 - Taber, Augusta 259
174 - Taber, Charles 259
175 - Taber, Clara 259
176 - Taber, Emil 259
177 - Taber, Hilda 259
178 - Taber, Norma 259
179 - Taber, Richard A. 259
180 - Taylor, Texana 256
181 - Taylor, Thomas H. 256
182 - Thomason, Hilyard 258
183 - Thomason, Kate 258
184 - Thomason, Lizzie 258
185 - Tollett, Flora 264
186 - Tollett, Forest 264
187 - Torres, Alejandro 257
188 - Torres, Catarina 257
189 - Torres, Censousion 257
190 - Torres, Elario 255
191 - Torres, Espetasion 255
192 - Torres, Falio 257
193 - Torres, Fannie 257
194 - Torres, Firso 257
195 - Torres, Florentia 257
196 - Torres, Hinosanta 257
197 - Torres, Josepha 257
198 - Torres, Juanita 257
199 - Torres, Margarito 255
200 - Torres, Margil 257
201 - Torres, Petronilia 257
202 - Torres, Sasaria 257
203 - Torres, Telosfora 257
204 - Torres, Timotea 257
205 - Torres, Yrles 257
206 - Tuxhorne, Matilda 262

Note: Census under constriction.

This Census index was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multiple errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcription. Census films are sometimes difficult or impossible to read, so some names are omitted. Other names were clearly misspelled on the Census form, but are entered here as read by the transcriber. Despite these cautions, the information in the Census can be quite helpful.

This listing was prepared by Tom Graham on January 2, 2004  This information may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission of the author. H4


This page was last updated on 2/10/2003

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