Zavala Co

Index of the 1880 Census of Zavala County

This file contains 410 names extracted from a copy of the 1880 Zavala County Census microfilm. The index includes the name of each person listed (see Note below) and the microfilm page number of their listing. Click on the frame number to see the detail of that census page. H4

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Census Index Listing
Person Page
1 - McCalister, James McCalister, James
2 - McCall, Hugh McCall, Hugh
3 - McCall, James McCall, James
4 - McCall, Malinda McCall, Malinda
5 - McCall, Mary McCall, Mary
6 - McCall, Samantha McCall, Samantha
7 - McCall, Sarah McCall, Sarah
8 - McDaniel, Ada McDaniel, Ada
9 - McDaniel, Henry McDaniel, Henry
10 - McDaniel, James McDaniel, James
11 - McDaniel, James McDaniel, James
12 - McDaniel, John McDaniel, John
13 - McKie, Charles McKie, Charles
14 - McKie, James McKie, James
15 - McKinney, Barton McKinney, Barton
16 - McKinney, Bessie McKinney, Bessie
17 - McKinney, Campbell McKinney, Campbell
18 - McKinney, Christopher McKinney, Christopher
19 - McKinney, Elizabeth McKinney, Elizabeth
20 - McKinney, Julius McKinney, Julius
21 - McKinney, Vincent McKinney, Vincent
22 - McKinny, Annie L. McKinny, Annie L.
23 - McKinny, Balis L. McKinny, Balis L.
24 - McKinny, Rufus McKinny, Rufus
25 - McKinny, Susan McKinny, Susan
26 - Means, Elizabeth Means, Elizabeth
27 - Means, Ellen Means, Ellen
28 - Means, Frances M. Means, Frances M.
29 - Means, May Means, May
30 - Means, Napolean Means, Napolean
31 - Means, Sarah Means, Sarah
32 - Means, Walter A. Means, Walter A.
33 - Means, William Means, William
34 - Montezuma, Pedro Montezuma, Pedro
35 - Munn, James Munn, James
36 - Neil, Daniel Neil, Daniel
37 - Nethiton, Robert Nethiton, Robert
38 - Oatis, Louis Oatis, Louis
39 - Ortego, Granilla Ortego, Granilla
40 - Ortego, Leonidas Ortego, Leonidas
41 - Ortego, Matias Ortego, Matias
42 - Ortego, Pancho Ortego, Pancho
43 - Ortego, Virginia Ortego, Virginia
44 - Ortis, Lorita Ortis, Lorita
45 - Ortis, Margarita Ortis, Margarita
46 - Ortis, Raz Ortis, Raz
47 - Parker, Robert Parker, Robert
48 - Paschal, Agnes Paschal, Agnes
49 - Paschal, Cole Paschal, Cole
50 - Paschal, Mollie Paschal, Mollie
51 - Paschal, Richard Paschal, Richard
52 - Paschal, Robert Paschal, Robert
53 - Poteet, Budie Poteet, Budie
54 - Poteet, Martha Poteet, Martha
55 - Poteet, Nancy Poteet, Nancy
56 - Poteet, Nancy Poteet, Nancy
57 - Poteet, Pleasant Poteet, Pleasant
58 - Poteet, Robert Poteet, Robert
59 - Poteet, Washington Poteet, Washington
60 - Power, Annie H. Power, Annie H.
61 - Power, Florence Power, Florence
62 - Power, Henry Power, Henry
63 - Power, Lucy E. Power, Lucy E.
64 - Power, May L. Power, May L.
65 - Power, Nettie A. Power, Nettie A.
66 - Power, Robert M. Power, Robert M.
67 - Prather, Hamilton Prather, Hamilton
68 - Prather, Mary Prather, Mary
69 - Prentis, Emily Prentis, Emily
70 - Prentis, Louisa Prentis, Louisa
71 - Prentis, Walter Prentis, Walter

Note: This Census index was prepared and verified where ever possible, but like all Census information is subject to multiple errors, including errors by the Census Taker, errors by person giving the data, and errors in the transcription.

This listing was prepared by Tom Graham on September 30, 2001  This information may be freely used for personal research or other non profit use, but may not be copied, published, displayed on another web page, incorporated in a database or otherwise used for profit without permission of the author. H4


This page was last updated on 9/30/2001

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