Zavala Co

Zavala County Birth Index

The Zavala County Texas Birth Index contains information about births registered in the county for individuals born between 1906 and 1931.

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Name Sex Father Mother Birth Date Link Father Link Mother Link
Balderes, Leopoldo M Doroteo Balderes Petra Jiminez 2/9/1929

Baray, Lucia M. F Ignacio Baray Maria Martinez Masquida 12/14/1929

Barientes, Philipa Inf Of F Philipa Barientes Petra Barientes 2/2/1929

Barientes, Philipe Inf Of F Philipe Barientes Petra Barientes 2/2/1929

Barnes, Elonzo Ali Inf Of F Elonzo Ali Barnes Mattie Sherman Davis 9/24/1928

Barnes, Lewis Melvin M Lewis M. Barnes Clara B. Donnell 8/23/1928 305 304 301
Basquez, Lorenzo M Lorenzo Basquez Natiana Gomez 9/20/1929

Baxter, James Murry M J. H. Baxter Jessie King 11/21/1927

Beavers, Jessie F Inf Of M Jessie F Beavers Viola L McCrocker 7/7/1929

Bell, Alvin M Archie M Bell Ada Covey 6/21/1928

Bell, Calvin M Archie M Bell Ada Covey 6/21/1928

Bell, Ellen Virginia F Arch Bell Ada Covey 11/21/1929

Belmalez, Gilberto M Pedro Belmalez Toreza Maldonado 7/19/1927

Bemundes, Eva F Tomas Bemundes Maria Gimmez 10/9/1926

Benavidas, Jesus M Tomas Benavidas Maria Gunmeyer 5/17/1929

Benavides, Armando Inf Of F Armando Benavides Florinda Medina 11/10/1928

Berenis, Augestine Inf Of F Augestine Berenis Gerada Agiular 7/27/1927

Berreles, Maria Apolinar F Alejo H. Berreles Maria Muniz 7/23/1929

Bocanegra, Constancio M Erasmo Bocanegra Maria Rodriguez 2/17/1928

Boconegra, Nacio Selso M Eronia Boconegra Maria Rodriguez 4/6/1929

Boekos, Steve A Inf Of M Steve A Boekos Olga Mouguisau 7/24/1926

Bookout, Geraldine F Oran Edward Bookout Eunice Robinson 10/30/1927

Boring, Imogene F E. C. Boring Lenna Belle Rebertson 7/27/1929

Botello, Edward Joe M John Franklin Botello Carrie Venton Favrow 3/19/1927

Botello, Joe Favrow M John Franklin Botello Carrie Venton Favrow 3/19/1927

Brown, Robert Roy M Travis William Brown Virgie Bell 5/20/1929

Burdett, Albert Rush M Frank Albert Burdett Ora Osa Thesis 12/11/1929

Bushy, Alyne Elizabeth F Robert O'Quinn Bushy Lucile Layne 12/29/1926

Caid, Robert Hubert M James Ira Caid Myrtle Tarthena Rains 4/14/1929

Calderon, Jesus M Mariamo Calderon Ysabel Lopez 12/24/1928

Caldwell, David Ross M Lewis Oliver Caldwell Emma Lorena Pickens 6/21/1929

Campos, Ramon M Vidal Campos Antonia Calhillo 6/15/1929

Cardan, Jose Angel M Marcellino Cardan Martena Arredondo 5/31/1929

Cardova, Domingo F Marcelina Cardova Martino Sanchez 3/13/1927

Carr, David Crockett Inf Of M David Crockett Carr Ruth Brown 10/1/1928

Carrier, Gertrude Elizabeth F Louis Clinton Carrier Artie Gertrude Arnold 1/6/1928

Cartinas, Donnel M Felipe Cartinas Anita Medina 7/21/1929

Castello, Juses M Manuel Castello Juana Gomaz 5/13/1929

Casteneda, Ignacio Inf Of F Ignacio Casteneda Delia Orosco 4/2/1929

Castillo, Valentina F Marcos P. Castillo Filomeno Martinez 2/14/1929

Castillon, Maria Ida F Juan Castillan Harmeins Mendez 12/11/1929

Cerda, Francisco M Avelino Cerda Celeopas Montoya 12/16/1927

Cerda, Juan Jesus M Blas Cerda Tomasa Marquez 10/15/1928

Cerda, Martias M Blas Cerda Tomasa Marquez 2/24/1927

Cererz, Hasofeta F Antona Cererz Mary Conta 3/19/1926

Chacon, Alicia F Alonasio Chacon Armandina Losaya 4/7/1928

Chavez, Calleteno R. M Antonio Chavez Sr. Norberta Rodriquez 8/7/1929

Chavez, Maebela F Ignacio Chavis Olga Rodriguez 4/9/1929

Christian, Benjamin Franklin M John Washington Christian Carrie Dickinson 3/12/1929

Clark, Billie Joe M Joe H Clark Willie G. Blair 3/4/1929

Coleman, Martin B Inf Of M Martin B Coleman Alta F English 11/13/1927

Coleman, S L M Eldridge W Coleman Alie Mere 3/9/1928

Cook, Kirby Roland M Fred K Cook Doris J Mabry 9/23/1927

Cook, Mary Alice F Fred K Cook Doris J Mabry 5/26/1929

Corodova, Irene F Pedro Corodova Maria Florea 1/29/1928

Coronado, Elisa L. F Blas C. Coronado Manuela Leyza 5/27/1929

Correa, Florodena M Tomas Correa Carmen Todrone 6/21/1927

Couser, Robert Graham M Charls Couser Sara Elner Kercheville 4/20/1926
Craft, George Ray M George William Craft Verna Cooper 8/10/1928

Crawford, Benney Patrick M Thomas P Crawford Annie L Norwick 3/7/1929 307 309 308
Crawford, Calvin Edward M George Crawford Bessie L Banirez 9/18/1928

Crawford, Thomas Paul M Thomas Patterson Crawford Annie Louise Korenek 5/17/1926 310 309 308
Cruse, Eva F Manwell Cruse Cacenta Areola 12/28/1928

Cruz, Eva Angelina F Manuel Cruz   Jacinto Arreola 12/10/1928

Cruz, Manuel M Manuel Cruz Jacinta Arreola 3/10/1927

Cruz, Marina F Juan E. Cruz Olita Villareal 5/23/1927

Cruz, Ramiro M Juan E. Cruz Otila Villareal 1/17/1929

Cumpian, Jose M Miguel Cumpian Maria Gonzalez 2/18/1929

Cumpion, Emma F Jesus Cumpion Carmen Trevino 8/21/1929

Curtis, Gertrude Fay F Leo A Curtis Ada Wilcox 8/23/1929

Davis, Marian Margrite F Theophilus M. Davis Elizabeth Richey 6/25/1929

Davis, Mary Elizabeth F James A Davis Birdie M Cleveland 1/10/1929

Davis, Oteala F Garland H Davis Rillia L Day 7/8/1928

Day, James Richard M James C Day Ethel H Holdsworth 1/5/1929 103 290 288
De Hojos, Carlos M Francisco De Hojos Hermenia Balderez 8/15/1929

De La Pas, Marie F Jesus Avila Jauna Del Toro 1/24/1927

De La Rosa, Maria F Carlos De La Rosa Petra De La Rosa 4/17/1929

De Luna, Melecio M Jose Maria De Luna Jorentina Campos 4/18/1929

Dehoyos, Leandro M Francisco Dehoyos Herminia Baedees 6/26/1928

Del Campo, Samuel M. M Pablo M. Del Campo Josefa Tovar 2/27/1929

Deleon, Alonzo M Gelverto Deleon Aurora Sanchez 12/6/1929

Desuea, Lorenzo Lo Inf Of M Lorenzo Lo Desuea Sabivea Rodrigues 3/11/1929

Diaz, Carmen F Francisco Diaz Deseria Chacon 5/28/1928


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