Zavala Co

Zavala County Birth Index

The Zavala County Texas Birth Index contains information about births registered in the county for individuals born between 1906 and 1931.

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Name Sex Father Mother Birth Date Link Father Link Mother Link
Ivey, Clarence Franklin M Audy L Ivey Ruth G Hardaway 4/17/1926

Jensen, Billie Lorraine (Milli* F Niels Christian Jensen Pearl Gladys Harvey 11/5/1928

Jimenez, Juan M Francisco Jimenez Esumel Rodriguez 4/11/1928

Jimenez, Maria Teresa F Doroteo Jimenez Feliz Garcia 7/4/1928

Jiminez, Jesus M Doroteo Jiminez Felicitas Garcia 11/25/1929

Jones, Joe C Inf Of F Joe C Jones Gracey L Cyster 8/24/1927

Kautz, George Robert M George W. Kautz Geneva Amalia Borgfeld 9/30/1929

Kennedy, Albert M Albert Kennedy Estelle Shosk 6/15/1926

Kennedy, Betty Bob F Robert Kennedy Bessie Davis 9/23/1929

Lavenon, Gustavo Inf Of M Gustavo Lavenon Senorta Rinos 12/30/1929

Leal, Juana Francisca F Martin Leal Maria Garcia 10/4/1929

Leigh, J. D. Inf Of M J. D. Leigh Pearl Bancom 12/7/1928

Leyva, Maria Antonia F Timoteo Leyva Nestora Hernandez 4/23/1926

Limones, Santos M Fiburcio Limones Petro Garcia 4/4/1929

Lindenborn, Juanita Pearl F Woodlief Lindenborn Juanita Fitzgerald 11/12/1926 85

Little, Willard Jean F Willard Eugene Little Florence Le Roy Boreing 3/30/1929

Lomas, Ramon M Ysabel Lomas Guadalupe Sepulvida 8/23/1929

Lopez, Angela F Servera Lopez Gudelia Alverez 10/2/1929

Lopez, Eredina F Florencio Lopez Hermenia Garcia 8/6/1929

Lopez, Juana F Doroteo Lopez Marcelina Ramirez 4/24/1927

Lowe, Bennie Ruth F John D Lowe Emmy E Vanschaedt 10/6/1928

Lozano, Armando Briones M Jose Maria Lozano Juana Briones 11/11/1928


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