Zavala Co

Zavala County Birth Index

The Zavala County Texas Birth Index contains information about births registered in the county for individuals born between 1906 and 1931.

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Name Sex Father Mother Birth Date Link Father Link Mother Link
Ramirez, Ernestino M Francisco Ramirez Ester Melendrez 11/11/1929

Ramirez, Jesusita F Concepcion Ramirez Juanita Ramirez 12/24/1929

Ramirez, Jose M Francisco Ramirez   Ester Melendrez 11/11/1929

Ramirez, Luisa Lopez F Tranquilino Ramirez Enemencia Lopez 8/25/1929

Reeves, Betty Jo F Frank Coy Reeves Jewel Maze Croft 9/9/1928

Revera, Bentura F Anastecia Revera Francisco Espenosa 7/14/1928

Reyna, Ramiro M Gregorio Reyna Santos Rodriguez 11/1/1929

Rice, Jane Carol F George Hall Rice Vera Virginia Legett 11/27/1929

Riggs, Dan Clarence M Walter Everett Riggs Mildred Roshud Stroman 9/23/1928

Riggs, Wm Jan M Walter Everett Riggs Mildred Stroman 6/11/1927

Rios, Modesta M Horansto H Rios Adela Campas 1/12/1929

Rivera, Pedro M Juan Rivera Ricarda Cabral 1/18/1928

Robinson, Charles B. M E Robinson Francis Starls 8/9/1928

Robinson, Emma Jean F George P Robinson Sophie T. Krol 1/28/1926

Robinson, Georgie Lee F Geo P Robinson Sophie T Neal 11/27/1927

Rocha, Esperanza F Ramedeo Rocha Natividad Meras 12/18/1929

Roderquez, Manuel F McGill Roderquez Louisa Hernandez 6/16/1929

Rodriguez, Juana Rivera F Jose R. Rodriguez   Santos Rivera 12/9/1929

Rodriguez, Luis M Santos Rodriguez Maria Del Refugio Balderas 7/11/1929

Rodriguez, Maria F Jose Maria Rodriguez Aurora Hernandez 9/12/1929

Rodriguez, Maria F Lasaro Rodriguez Agapita Anda 7/1/1926

Rodriguez, Olga F Julian Rodriguez Amelia Rodriguez 5/23/1929

Rodriguez, Oralia F Celestino Rodriguez Anita Sepulvida 11/18/1929

Rodriguez, Rodolfo M Louisio Rodriguez Maria Lopez 12/13/1929

Rodriques, Antonio Inf Of M Antonio Rodriques Mcolosoy N Nicolas 12/6/1926

Rodriques, Antonio Inf Of M Antonio Rodriques N. Necolas 12/6/1926

Rodriquez, Antonio Inf Of F Antonio Rodriquez N. Nicolas 12/6/1926

Rofles, Jose Maria M Juan Rofles Aguera Cardenas 6/7/1928

Rosetas, Lenizas Inf Of M Lenizas Rosetas 7/17/1927

Rosetes, Silvester M Silvester Rosetes Philipa Cotilla 11/27/1927

Rosetoz, Edward M Silvesto Rosetoz Felepa Costilla 9/25/1929

Rosilo, Enedin M Louisa Bedrareyna 7/17/1927

Rosito, Filisiano Roeta M Silvertro Rosito Felipa Costia 7/26/1926

Rosito, Silvestro M Silvestro Rosito Felipe Castro 11/27/1927

Rueda, Carolina F Santiago Rueda Olivia Sanchez 7/22/1929

Rueda, Santiago M Emilio Rueda Lelia Torres 12/14/1929

Ruiz, Maria F Juan Ruiz Tomasa Morales 7/31/1928

Rutledge, Viola Mae F Donald Franklin Rutledge Viola Shane 7/27/1928

Salazar, M Guadalupe F Justo B Salazar Eleno Salazar Hernandiz 1/28/1926

Salazar, Maria Jesus F Martin Salazar Francisca Lopez 12/26/1929

Saldivar, Antonio M Manuel Saldivar Eduarda Garza 11/23/1929

Salinas, Francisco M Juan Salinas Simona Flores 10/4/1926

Salinas, Luz F Francisco Salinas Petra Bolascos 6/6/1929

Sanchez, Aurora F Bolente Sanchez Aurelia Sanchez 5/9/1929

Sanchez, Jose M Genaro Sanchez Juliana Granado 11/26/1926

Sanchez, Maria V. F Pascual Sanchez Refugia Fuentes 3/22/1927

Sanchez, Nicolasa F Genaro Sanchez Juliana Granado 12/6/1929

Sanchez, Rogelio M Estanestodo Sanchez Natividad Lourch 2/27/1929

Sawyer, Edwin Glen M James N Sawyer Eleanor A Neal 8/14/1928

Sawyers, Alberta Marse M H. A. Sawyers Blakley Ballard 6/24/1928

Schmidt, Edyth Maye F Oscar Schmidt Sarah M. Hollar 2/24/1928

Scott, Alford M James C Scott Edith E Burns 5/24/1929

Sifuentio, Maria Del Socorro F Juan Sifuentes Virginia Castano 8/31/1928

Solis, Julian M Marcelino Solis Juana Casares 12/20/1929

Sorrell, John Melvin M E. C. Sorrell Lillie Barber 3/18/1929

Sorrell, John Maloin M Earnest C Sorrell Lillie Barster 3/18/1928

Southern, Chamecy S Inf Of M Chamecy S Southern Lola Busby 7/18/1928

St John, Evan Eugene M William Frank St John Lyda Belle Cobb 8/28/1927

Stanton, Ewdard E. M Henry Ellis Stanton Ellene Gordon 9/3/1929

Tapia, Avelardo M E. H Tapia Aurelia Fuentez 1/2/1927

Tapia, Bacelis F Estanislao H. Tapia Aurelia Fuentes 6/14/1929

Taucho, Francisco M Nemeseo Taucho Tomaso Orta 1/2/1927

Teague, Archie Harper M Archie L. Teague Alice Wooten Harper 4/30/1929

Terpening, Leslie Edward M G. K. Terpening Ivy Beatrix Nudson 8/14/1927

Thompson, J B M Jewel S Thompson Rubey B Pitts 10/2/1927

Thompson, Maxine F Leon T Thompson Naomie Idle 1/7/1927

Thompson, Roland Pratt M Jewel Stacey Thompson Rubye Belle Pitts 4/4/1929

Thornell, Andrea Jacqueline F A. J. Thornell Lillie Mae Akins 10/22/1928

Toncho, Nemesio M Nemesio Toncho Sr. Tonmsa Ortero 12/29/1929

Torrez, Ramona F Leandro Torrez Concepcion Rios 11/17/1929

Towell, Norma Jean F Dan Towell Mattie Lee Robertson 5/3/1929

Trees, Dessie May F Cobble S. Trees Clara C Parker 4/12/1927

Trees, Roy M Olio Trees Minnie L Salmon 9/12/1928

Trevino, Baldemar M Lasaro Trevino Dolores De Leon 4/19/1929

Trevino, Raul R. M Rodolfo Trevino Julia Villarreal 12/31/1929

Trevino, Raul Ramiro M Rodolfo Trevino Julia Villareal 12/31/1929

Trevino, Rogelio M Lasado Trevino Dolores De Leon 4/12/1927

Trevino, Simon M Octavio Trevino Juanita Carilla 1/18/1929

Tucker, Richard Talmage M Jessie Tucker Alma Titsworth 5/19/1927

Tyer, James Homer M James Homer Tyer Lillie Mae Hood 9/8/1926


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