La Salle Co

Probate Index
La Salle County, Texas

This is a listing of the La Salle County Probate Index. 

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Name Died Heirs Links
Valentine, Zelma L. 12-10-1990 Isla Ruth Casey, Albert Marvin Beights, Willard Dean Beights, Children
Vargas, Jose Luis 04-19-1984 Enedelia Vargas, Spouse; Jo Jason Vargas, Child 844
Vesper, Anna Knaggs 07-03-1975 John B. (Dick) Vesper, Child 845
Vesper, John B. (Dick) 02-10-1951 Anna K. Vesper, Spouse; J.B. Vesper, Jr., Child 846
Villarreal, Heraclio 09-10-1983 Heraclio Villarreal, Jr., Margarita Villarreal Hondersa, Maria Villarreal Alvarado, Raymundo Villarreal, Children 847
Vincent, R.J. -1887

Vineyard, Bernice A. 05-08-1977 Bonniebel Mosher Vineyard, Spouse; Bonnie Bernice Diggans, Child 848
Vineyard, Bonniebel Mosher 05-19-1989 Wesley Thomas Diggans, Carla Gay Brown, Rebecca Ann Thomas, Grandchildren; George Wesley Diggans, Ii, Kayme Linda Diggans, Brandie Marie Brown, Kourtnie Alexia Thomas, Zachary Thomas, Great-Grandchildren; Mary T. Powell, Friend 849
Walker, Charles Eldon 11-22-1977 Winnie Wells Walker, Spouse; Charles Rodney Walker, William Eldon Walker, Marilyn Walker, Children 850
Walker, Corine 10-04-1983 Floyd Walker, Spouse 851
Walker, Edward M. 04-21-1938 Mamie Walker, Spouse; Tom Walker, Jim Walker, Mrs. John Shannon, Mrs. C.L. Workman, Siblings; Reagan Neal, Nephew
Walker, James 05-15-1955 Roxie Walker, Spouse; Raymond Walker, Edwin Walker, Children; Vera Martin Turman, Stepchild
Warden, Bonnie M. 11-03-1952 Shannon W. Warden, Spouse
Warden, Shannon W. 11-07-1960 Ruth Warden, Spouse
Washburn, Abbott Mccormick 09-10-1939 Ruby Frisk Washburn, Spouse; Abbott McCormick Washburn, Child
Washburn, Jed L. 08-27-1931 Alma Pattee Washburn, Spouse; Julia Genevieve Washburn, John Lawrence Washburn, Children; John Larry Washburn, Abbot McConnell Washburn, John Washburn McLean, Charles Russell McLean, Jr., Grandchildren; Edward W. Washburn, Brother Edna Webster Hill, Helen Webster Konkright, Nieces; Hazel Simons, Grandniece; Alice J. Pattee, Mary Pattee White, Edith Pattee Topping, Sisters-In-Law; Lillian F. O'Donnell, Secretary
Wassefall, Selma 06-25-1976 Ralph Watson, Dean Watson, Jane Simmons, Nephews & Niece 854
Wasserfall, Olinda 10-22-1969 Selma Wasserfall, Sibling; Dean Watson, Nephew 853
Watkins, Griffin 05-31-1938 Ruth Bradley Watkins, Spouse; Cynthia Jane Watkins, Ruth B. Watkins, Gladys Lois Watkins, Children
Watson, Ella 08-31-1974 Dean Orville Watson, Jane Watson Simmons, Ralph John Watson, Children 855
Watson, John Orville 02-27-1951 Ella Wasserfall Watson, Spouse; Dean Orville Watson, Jane Elizabeth Watson, Ralph J. Watson, Children 856
Watts, Cora 05-12-1950 Vertie Lou Lee, Child
Watzlavzick, Henry 11-13-1925 Josephine Watzlavzick, Spouse
Weaver, Omar Henry 12-11-1946 Mary Elizabeth Weaver, Spouse 857
Weber, Joseph 09-26-1954 Mary Sue Tomesal, Grandchild; George Ellis, Beal Herring
Welhausen, G.A. 02-10-1944 Rosa Lee Welhausen, Spouse 858
Welhausen, Rosa Lee 03-30-1952 Ethel Welhausen Matthews, Alice Welhausen Burkholder, Children; Barbara Ann Welhausen, Anna Laura Welhausen Beasley, Grandchildren 859
Welhausen, Rudolph J. 01-01-1938 Sarah Beryl Welhausen, Spouse; Barbara Ann Welhausen, Child 860
West, George C. 10-27-1938 T.J. West
West, J.A. 03-12-1936 Teda West, Spouse; Joe C. West, Clara Fitch, Children 862
West, Nola L. 08-14-1966 Roy J. Pate, Ethel Pate Bastion, Children; Dorothy Willson Dahlberg, Boydie J. Pate, Roy J. Pate, Jr., Grandchildren
Westen, Augusta 07-13-1964 Agnes Westen McCoy, John Westen McCoy, Tom Weigel, Emilie Westen Weigel 863
Whigham, Mack W. 03-02-1963 Pearl Whigham, Spouse
Whitacre, Curtis 03-25-1940 Chloe E. Lowry, Niece
White, Joseph W. 07-20-1973 Frances M. White, Spouse; Alison Jo White, Stuart Neal White, Carlton Joseph White, Children
Whitson, William 02-06-1934 Florence W. Whitson, Spouse
Whitwell, C.S. 09-20-1990 Ila Whitwell, Spouse; M.C. Whitwell, Shirley Kennedy, Children
Wildenthal, Adele 11-09-1987 John Wildenthal, Jr., Eloise Wildenthal Selke, Joseph Leonard Gross, Bernard Gross, Elizabeth "Betty" Johnson, Bryan Hobson Wildenthal, Claude Kern Wildenthal, Nephews & Nieces; Mary Duane Perkins Clugg, Patrick Lake Perkins, Grandniece & Nephew 79
Wildenthal, Annie H. 01-08-1989 Charles William Hinkel, II, Sibling; William D. Moon, Thomas A. Moon, Mary Jane Hinkel Walden, James Frank Hinkel, Charles William Hinkel, III, Elizabeth Hinkel Stewart, Nephews & Nieces 864
Wildenthal, Bernard, Jr. 08-15-1957 Annie H. Wildenthal, Spouse 76
Wildenthal, John 05-02-1966 Lois Wildenthal, Wife 80
Wildenthal, Mary 03-30-1974 Adele Wildenthal, Sibling 75
Wildman, Lillian O. 12-19-1945 Vernon Wildman, Spouse; Nora Lee Wildman, Child
Williams, Bill 12-30-1923

Williams, Sidney J., Jr. 07-08-1966 Aline Glenn Williams, Spouse; Sugie Williams Barrow, Sidney J. Williams, III, Children 866
Willson, John W. 12-08-1959 Ella Willson Barnes, Lucy Willson Miller, Hiram Willson, Henry Willson, Siblings; May Willson Wallace, Bailey Willson, Matie Lee Willson Broogh, Earl Willson, Falby Sterling, Jettie Willson, Vida Willson McKinley, Elton Willson, Joe Willson, Myrtle Irene Willson, Ollie Willson, Kathryn Willson Berry, Nephews & Nieces
Wilson, Charles A. 08-03-1949 Guy R. Wilson
Winslow, Julia Elizabeth 02-26-1952 O.W. Winslow, Spouse; Wilma Ruth Winslow, Child 868
Winslow, Owen Augusta 05-04-1989 Julia Authelia Winslow, Spouse; Wilma Ruth Adams Haley, Child; Rocky Ray Adams, Lee Roy Adams, Grandchildren 869
Witherspoon, C.L. 02-08-1957 Laura E. Witherspoon, Spouse; C.L. Witherspoon, Jr., Dora W. Davenport, Lucille W. Lewis, Hettie W. Hudson, Children
Womble, Clyde C. 09-28-1977 Thomas D. Womble, Nephew; James C. Barbour, Carroll S. Barbour, Grandnephews 870
Woolls, Temple Asa 02-01-1963 Nancy Woolls Smith, Lela Woolls, Gerry Rankin, Lynn Woolls, Temple Harris Woolls, Frank Michael Woolls, Children 872
Ybarra, Clemento 09-22-1902 Serapio Ybarra, Cousin
Youngblood, Charles Deward 04-14-1964 Winnie Youngblood, Spouse; Billy Youngblood, Child 874
Youngblood, Glen 07-02-1962 C.D. Youngblood, Jack Youngblood, Ike Youngblood, Roy Youngblood, Faye Vaughn, Siblings
Youngblood, Louis 12-07-1952 C. Deward Youngblood, Jack Youngblood, Ray Youngblood, Children
Younkin, F.M. 09-27-1946 Mrs. F.M. Younkin. Spouse
Zahl, Walter L. 03-31-1946 Lina A. Zahl, Spouse
Zaldivar, Amador 10-13-1989 Virginia F. Zaldivar, Spouse; Gabriell Zaldivar, Leonardo Zaldivar, Rosario Zaldivar, Children
Zamora, Alfredo 12-11-1984 Bonifacio Zamora, Ricardo Zamora, Rosita Zamora, Berta Zamora, Alicia Zamora, Ruben Zamora, Roy Zamora, Children 875
Zamora, Guadalupe 05-23-1979 Amparo Rodriguez, Alfredo Zamora, Jr., Children 876
Zarate, Valentina 11-28-1907

Zimmer, Jack A. 01-09-1977 D. Jean Zimmer, Spouse; Jack Zimmer, Jr., William L. Zimmer, Barbara Helen Zimmer, Children; John P. Zimmer, Grandchild
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