Zavala Co

1880 Zavala County Texas Census

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Dwl No Fam No Name Color Sex Age Rel Occupation Birth Place Father Mother Links
Page No 1,   Enumeration Dist. 153
1 Godbold, Thomas W M 33
Farmer Farmer Alabama Ala Ala
1 Godbold, Mary W F 31 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Arkansas Tenn Tenn
1 Godbold, Thomas A. W M 10 Son

Texas Ala Ala
1 Godbold, James M. W M 9 Son

Texas Ala Ala
1 Godbold, Martha E. W F 6 Daughter

Texas Ala Ala
1 Godbold, Frances W F 3 Daughter

Texas Ala Ala
1 Godbold, Darcus W F 1 Daughter

Texas Ala Ala
1 Godbold, William W M 23 Brother

Texas Ala Ala
1 Wascom, Mary W F 35 Sister Keeps House Keeps House Tennessee Tenn Tenn
2 Dampur, Samuel W M 45
Farmer Farmer Georgia Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Martha W F 41 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Florida Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Frances W F 19 Daughter Keeps House Keeps House Florida Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Florence W F 13 Daughter Keeps House Keeps House Florida Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Mary W F 9 Daughter

Texas Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Ella W F 3 Daughter

Texas Ga Ga
2 Dampur, Edgar W M 6/12 Son

Texas Ga Ga
3 Ross, John B. W M 30
Stock Man Stock Man Alabama Tenn SC
3 Ross, Jennie Lind W F 27 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Alabama Ala Ala
3 Ross, Daisie W F 3

Texas Ala Ala
3 Ross, Lallie W F 1

Texas Ala Ala
3 Prather, Hamilton W M 15 Laborer Herder Herder Texas Tex Tex
4 Bates, Balis A. W M 26
Farmer Farmer Alabama Ala SC
4 Bates, Sarah F. W F 25 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Texas Ill Ill
4 Bates, Arthur W M 7 Son

Texas Ala Texas
4 Bates, William W M 5 Son

Texas Ala Tex
4 Bates, Lawrence W M 4 Son

Texas Ala Tex
4 Bates, Izora W F 2 Daughter

Texas Ala Tex
4 Prather, Mary W F 20 Wife's Sister Keeps House Keeps House Texas Mo Mo
4 Bade, Henry W M 18 Laborer Laborer Laborer Texas Germany Germany
4 Gonzales, Marcos W M 25
Herder Herder Mexico Mex Mex
4 Gonzales, Leonida W M 25 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Texas Mexico Texas
4 Gonzales, Ignacis W F 13 Daughter Servant Servant Texas Mexico Texas
4 Gonzales, Manuel W M 7 Son

Texas Mexico Tex
4 Gonzales, Saloma W F 5

Texas Mex Tex
4 Gonzales, Scanor W M 3 Son

Texas Mex Tex
4 Carillo, Domingo W M 30
Servant Servant Mexico Mex Mex
4 Carillo, G? W F 25 Wife


5 Bates, Robert W M 32
Farmer Farmer Arkansas Ala SC 1
5 Bates, Mary E. W F 30 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Texas Ky Mo 207
5 Bates, Alice W F 13 Daughter At Home At Home Texas Ark Tex 208
5 Bates, Frances W F 10 Daughter

Texas Ark Tex 209
5 Bates, Thomas W M 8 Son

Texas Ark Tex
5 Bates, Abner W M 6 Son

Texas Ark Tex
5 Bates, Robert L. W M 4 Son

Texas Ark Tex
5 Bates, Millard W M 2/12 Son

Texas Ark Tex
6 McKinny, Rufus W M 33
Farmer Farmer Alabama SC Va
6 McKinny, Susan W F 24 Wife Keeps House Keeps House Arkansas NC Tenn
6 McKinny, Balis L. W M 5 Son

Texas Ala Ark
6 McKinny, Annie L. W F 1 Daughter

Texas Ala Ark

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This transcription of the 1880 Zavala County census was made by Tom Graham . An attempt was made to copy all information (spelling) exactly as it appeared on the census. Some names were difficult to read and subject to interpretation.

The transcription can be used freely for family research and distribution to libraries with full consent of the transcriber, however, no permission is granted for its use for sale for financial gain.


Mail to Tom Graham:

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