La Salle Co

State of Texas Death Index for
La Salle County, Texas

This listing is an extract from the Texas State Death Index for deaths recorded in La Salle County for the years 1964 through 1998. For more information on Texas records, visit the Texas Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics web page.

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Name Died Sex Links
Magee, Hugh L 10/21/1972 M 644
Maldonado, Eligio 10/3/1980 M 1240
Maldonado, Eulogio D 1/28/1972 M 1241
Maldonado, Federico JR 12/22/1974 M 1242
Maldonado, Juanita J 12/12/1966 F 1243
Maldonado, Macario A 11/3/1998 M 1244
Maldonado, Miguel 8/31/1976 M 1245
Maldonado, Yeldefonso 3/15/1974 M 1246
Mancias, Gregario 10/13/1971 M 1247
Mancias, Preciliano 1/10/1972 M
Mancinas, Elvira 1/12/1964 F
Mangum, Charles Maurice 5/11/1980 M 1248
Mangum, Elmo O 12/7/1978 M
Mangum, Eugene Edwin 1/6/1966 M 648
Manly, Elizabeth 2/20/1970 F 650
Mann, Evya Ledell Malone 4/30/1967 F
Marchan, Ramiro 3/31/1985 m 1249
Marin, Francisca Pena 1/8/1966 F 1250
Marin, Manuel 1/14/1974 M 651
Marley, Margaret Emma Hardcast* 2/17/1981 F 653
Marquez, Roberto D 1/28/1972 M 1252
Martin, James W 2/12/1971 M 654
Martin, Larry M 4/5/1975 M
Martinez, Adan C JR 12/8/1973

Martinez, Antonio 2/16/1985 m 1253
Martinez, Apolonio M 1/6/1990 M 1254
Martinez, Basilio G SR 9/22/1986 m 1255
Martinez, Bonifacia M 3/6/1969 F 1256
Martinez, Bonifacio 10/3/1968 M 1257
Martinez, Carlos Alvarenga 8/4/1986 m
Martinez, Felipe 9/24/1980 M 1258
Martinez, Filiberto 4/21/1970 M 1259
Martinez, Gregorio 8/28/1971 M 1260
Martinez, Guadalupe 5/31/1968 M 1261
Martinez, Higinio T 2/15/1990 M 1262
Martinez, Ignacio 10/4/1976 M 1263
Martinez, Ismael 11/17/1995 M 1264
Martinez, Jesus 6/14/1972 M 1265
Martinez, Jesus Luna 4/13/1991 M
Martinez, Jose J 2/16/1994 M 1266
Martinez, Jose P 3/30/1974 M
Martinez, Juan L 3/15/1991 M
Martinez, Juanita Roman 11/22/1969 F 1267
Martinez, Leonardo 5/28/1987 m 1268
Martinez, Magadeleno 3/6/1969 M 1269
Martinez, Manuel A 1/29/1978 M 1270
Martinez, Margarito E 2/11/1991 M 662
Martinez, Michael John 8/24/1988 M
Martinez, Miguel 10/5/1968 M 1271
Martinez, Miguel Perez 12/26/1984 M 1272
Martinez, Robert C 12/8/1973

Martinez, Soledad A 1/5/1966 F 1273
Martinez, Ventura T 5/2/1975 F 1275
Martinez, Wenceslao 12/6/1974 M 1276
Mata, Rodolfo JR 8/15/1986 m
Mathews, Florence K 8/29/1969 F 1780
Matocha, Edward A 5/14/1976 M
Matthews, Valesta Hildegard 3/10/1996 F 1997
Mazurek, Kasper Anthony 4/26/1964 M
Mccabe, Elena C 1/7/1975 F 1277
Mcclure, Robert A 12/30/1974 M
Mccollough, Clyde Charles JR 10/27/1983 M
Mcintosh, Zola 8/8/1980 F
Mckinley, Osie 10/19/1964 M
Mclean, Margaret Lucy 6/8/1966 F
Medina, Carlos 4/12/1975 M 1278
Medina, Carlos 2/4/1966 M 1279
Medina, Lorenzo 3/29/1992 M 671
Mejia, Virginia D 11/27/1966 F 1280
Mendeola, Eugene R 4/12/1975 M
Mendez, Alfonso G 3/21/1964 M
Mendoza, Jose David 7/16/1967 M
Miller, Charles Andrew JR 5/1/1995 M 673
Miller, Kenneth C 8/20/1974 M
Minx, Ruby Frances 1/26/1966 F
Miranda, Idolina 2/23/1966 F 1281
Miranda, Samuel 12/11/1996 M 1282
Miranda, Tranquilino P 8/24/1969 M 1283
Mirando, Ramona Trejo 9/4/1968 F 1284
Misla, Robert 2/27/1993 M
Molina, David O 7/5/1998 M
Montana, Porfiria M 12/29/1967 F 1285
Montes, Alan 9/23/1996 M
Moore, Joe M 4/9/1972 M
Morales, Agopito 9/22/1966 M 1286
Morales, Florencia 3/21/1965 F 1287
Morales, Jesus G 4/21/1968 M 677
Morales, Roman 4/12/1965 M
Moreno, Alamar G 5/14/1964 F
Moreno, Juan Arreola 9/1/1985 m
Moreno, Roque 10/1/1969 M 1288
Morgan, James Clyde 11/26/1993 M 1289
Morin, Paz 9/18/1983 M 1290
Morin, Preciliano JR 9/21/1975 M 1291
Munoz, Richard K 2/23/1967 M
Myers, Henry Clay 1/29/1984 M 1292
Navarro, Eduviges 9/5/1975 M 1807
Navejar, Pedro SR 5/17/1970 M 1293
Newsom, Constance H 6/21/1966 F
Niaves, Pedro 3/24/1987 m 1294
Nieto, Eduardo 7/7/1996 M 1295
Nieto, Maria A 11/13/1972 F 1296
Noll, Herman A 8/2/1979 M 1297
Nunez, Ignacio 3/28/1973 M 1298
Nunez, Lucio SR 9/23/1991 M 1299
Oakes, William Frank 9/25/1968 M 1300
O'brien, Orville Earnest 12/30/1982 M 1301
Ochoa, Paulita 11/19/1996 F 1302
Oropeza, Gustavo 6/30/1999 M 1303
Ortiz, Aurora Saldivar 6/25/1980 F 1304
Ortiz, Ines C 9/11/1975 M 1305
Ortiz, Juan C. 3/3/1989 M 1306
Ortiz, Juanita C 5/7/1972 F 1307
Ortiz, Maria C 6/24/1975 F 1308
Ortiz, Maria L 5/30/1975 F 1309
Ortiz, Sebastian 4/10/1966 M 1310
Osio, Aggeo R 9/29/1971 M 1312
Osoria, Idalia S 2/15/1966 F 1313
Ovalle, Maria Valera 9/15/1996 F 1314
Owens, Pat 6/20/1977 F
Pagel, Virginia Ann 8/17/1981 F 696
Palacios, Santiago 2/25/1997 M 1315
Palmour, Houston M 1/31/1974 M
Palomares, Benjamin Luna 8/25/1995 M
Pando, Ezequiel T 8/24/1988 M 1316
Parker, James B 4/24/1976 M 697
Parra, Jose Garcia 5/17/1990 M
Pastor, Sergio Contreras 1/20/1965 M
Patterson, Amadeo S 3/12/1966 M 1317
Patton, Grover Morgan 11/17/1983 M 698
Pawlik, Walter Benzie 8/29/1981 M 1318
Pena, Carlos S 6/29/1975 M 1319
Perales, Ramiro Villarreal 10/5/1995 M 1320
Perez, Cornelio Gomez 1/29/1967 M 1321
Perez, David 11/26/1993 M
Perez, Elia Garcia 9/28/1992 F 1322
Perez, Felipe 9/28/1965 M 1323
Perez, Felix Rojas 5/31/1999 M
Perez, Idalia 11/26/1993 F
Perez, Jesus Efran 11/26/1993 M
Perez, Jesus Maria 11/26/1993 M
Perez, Jesus T 2/19/1975 M 1324
Perez, Leopoldo 12/29/1971 M
Perez, Luisa T 3/22/1972 F 1325
Perez, Maria Elvia 9/13/1989 F
Perez, Mateo M 12/31/1970 F 1326
Peters, George Herman 11/6/1967 M 1327
Peterson, Martin Luther 4/3/1989 M 704
Pierce, James Fowler 8/24/1965 M
Pina, Felix 9/21/1969 M 1328
Pogue, John Thomas 11/6/1969 M 1330
Pohl, Anna M 4/1/1970 F 1331
Pohl, Armand 10/28/1992 M 710
Poole, Hogue 2/2/1971 M 711
Poole, Jonathan Cochran 4/8/1964 M 241
Porter, James 3/3/1969 M 1332
Price, Janice Laverne 3/27/1994 F 714
Prine, Carl Lewis 11/30/1994 M
Pugh, James Roy 2/19/1965 M
Pullin, Marvin F 11/21/1970 M
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